Lippo's Finest Case Break

That was a sweet last box Mike. Good stuff!!

Ahhh... those Finest Moments Boxtopper looks so awesome. :p

Cheers and good luck on your other ones. Remember to pull me an auto of AI. ;)
I call dibs on Wally.... and am hoping for doubles of Davis... seriously want some cards of him in his wolves jersey!

But bloody oath mate your bloody pulling some fantastic cards!!! Keep up the mojo!!!
bargey said:
Mavs, I think I have a #28 draft refractor incoming, if you're interested PM me. #28 is Ager isn't it?

Thanks Barge.

I think I have one incoming, but will let you know. I've bid on a couple so far.

Keep up the busts Lippo, the Gold Ref #1 is sweet!!!!
Billyhoyle said:
I simply cannot believe you have so much control lippo, i would have busted packs till i had blisters!!
I was out from 8am yesterday to 4am this morning, needed to sleep, then had to go out again.

This is my first opportunity for so long!!
Minibox 1:

Pack 1:
LeBron James Finest Fact 1294/1899

Pack 2:
Larry Hughes Ref. 14/349

Pack 3:
DP#8 Red Xfrac. - Rudy Gay
Minibox 2:

Pack 1:
Marvin Williams RC Ref. 63/249

Pack 2:
Gerald Green Finest Fact 572/1899

Pack 3:
Rasheed Wallace Red Ref. 116/169
is that two WIlliams Refs?? I'm callin dibs on the williams refractors etc.... lol so long as you wanna part with them of course matey ;D
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