Awesome season....
I don't agree with others saying that the lockout takes away from it.... It could almost add to how good his season was.
Less games, yes, but more games closer together and a heavier workload over a smaller amount of time makes what LBJ has done this season/year even more impressive IMO... And most people know Im not exactly a LBJ lover! hahahaha!
Don't get me wrong, it isn't my opinion that the lockout SHOULD take away from it, I was merely pointing out that in all future stat sheets, the * will give people a 'but' when they compare seasons!
I am an advocate for the Lockout seasons being counted as normal, the Spurs did win their first ring in '99 after all!
Seriously... this is what it has come to??WOW. Have seen the whole 'Heat are stacked' comments but never thought I would see "Team USA are stacked". Lebron could have put up 30 a game and it would have then been that on a team full of stars he ball hogged. Come on.
You never thought you would hear "Team USA are stacked"????? WTF??? If you think that Team USA were expected to finish ANYWHERE OTHER THAN 1st, you are dillusional! 60% of the European markets had the line at USA -20 ffs
Kobe gets called a ball hog every single game! Why should LBJ get special treatment if he does the same thing! lol
lebron haters are always going to hate no matter what he does!!!! he could go on and win a dozen championships and people would still nit pick...not that he would win that many, but you know what i mean!...
i think it was a pretty amazing season and believe he has finally come of age, wow 16 GAMES shorter this year, big deal, remember they were all bunched up probably making it more tiring! for the olympics, as far as im concerned lebron and durant played better than anyone on a consistent basis, they all contributed i know, but those two stood out, plus melos thirty seven in fourteen mins was pretty outstanding...
Again..... why is it that anyone who makes a comment that is not aimed at kissing the backside of LBJ is called a 'hater'??? It is the Lebron fans that cause the 'hate' imo!
I don't think that anyone is or can possibly deny the stats and season he had, but what was said about the Gold Medal not being won is more than a fair comment!
This thread was only made AFTER he won the Gold Medal, so naturally, that is the part of the stats that are going to be talked about! right?? So it is hardly 'nit picking'!