Latest Movie/DVD you've seen, and what would you rate it...

whats wrong with scary movies these days...

Anyone seen the trailer for Silent Hill with our own Rhada "My ass looks great in pitch black" Mitchell? This looks like some freaky shit and I am looking forward to it. Please PM me if anyone gets hold of a preview copy!
yeah ive got silent hill 1 and 2 on PS, and they are some genuinely creepy games, should be a cool movie. and rhada does have a fine posterior indeed :D
damn Hillary looks to damn skinny, she looks sick.

I saw cheaper by the dozen 2 and i agree Hillary Duff doesn't look well but most famous teenage girls start to become weird after too much fame time.
Saw Scary Movie 4 last night... LOL. Another stupid movie but still gives you a few laughs. Shaq acts as bad as his FT shooting and you'll see that literally on the first scene. :lol: Good thing it's $8.50 night!

4/10 (the extra 1 coz Shaq was there. ;) )
Watched Cheaper By The Dozen 2 last night..... hmmmmm, not having seen the first one, it was ok but a lame laugh...


Also watched (you ready).... Cheech & Chong's Up In Smoke...

Saw it AGES ago, and still love it, piss-jokes galore!

9/10 easily!!

Waiting for a scary movie to come out??? Try "See No Evil". Starts March 17th in the US. Not sure about here...
Watched "Dead Birds" the other day on DVD, was pretty good and was erasonably scary/disturbing. Didn't get much hype over here but got pretty good promotion in the states. 3.5/5
yeah i watched dead birds ages ago i thought it was a good movie. preety freaky and creepy scenes in the movie. I love the start with the bank robbery, that scene is awesome. =D>
Dead Birds is pretty sweet aye!!!!

V = 6/10? That bad huh? And here we are thinking/hoping it's gonna be awesome!!! Dang.....

Anyone seen House of 1,000 Corpses & Devil's Rejects?? Awesomely sick movies!!!
I've seen House of 1000 Corpses but not Devil's Rejects. It's pretty bad but good at the same time. I love horror movies.
Final Destination 3 is pretty good. Same idea recycled again but it's cool to see people getting killed in really unbelievable ways.
My cousin has downloaded about half of Silent Hill as of about 3 hours ago..
i was just reading some reviews of SH and apparently it stays really true to the games, so if you havent played the games it might take away from your enjoyment/understanding of the plot. ebert gave it his usual crap review, but lots are saying its one of the best horror movies in the past decade, with absolutely stunning visuals.

lmk what you think of it funk, i cant wait to see it.
do NOT see bad news bears have been warned!!!
although maybe it just seems so bad because Bad Santa is so damn funny :)
I didn'tmind bad news bears... the half i saw anyway lmao

Thinking - well being talked into seeing MI3 when it comes out... and am gonna watch the first two on Saturday night to get all caught up.... any thoughts on MI movies??
as much of a psycho as he is, he used to be a bloody good actor. born on the 4th of july, the first MI, even top gun i used to love when i was about 10.
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