how to NOT post cards

I hope you didnt pay much for them.
Just ask for a refund and see what they say, if you get the cash back tape it up put RTS on it and send it back.
For something like this, I wouldnt even say you got them.

File non-reciept...

That's just appauling, and unnacceptable on any planet!!
iu actually found the Iverson card, it was kinda stuck back behind another one and it looked like one card, i didnt feel for the thickness....
it was around $60 with postage, so it wasnt heaps but still, imn not fussed about the money, just the condition od some of the cards, and especially the cards that aint there.
oh well
poo happens
Yikes man, that's awful packaging. Just my opinion, but you really shouldn't waste your money on such lots. You rarely get anything worth much and even if you do, you get a whole lot of commons that are worthless. If you're interested, I can whack together a lot for AU$60 and guarantee that you'd get better cards in that lot than you got in that junk :D
well look, i actually have no basketball cards in my collection except sixers and thought hey, why not?

nah thanks, ive already bought one more lot and thatll do me for a while i think
spent about 300 on cards in two weeks :o

but thanks for the offer :)
Wow, that’s about as bad as it gets. Sure you need to be very careful with sellers who do normally sell cards. The cards are usually in pretty poor condition and don't get packaged very well (Not that it is an excuse). But to not include what they said as well :mad::mad: Hope you get some joy from the seller re a refund/exchange.
Absolute !@#$

Name and shame the seller. Demand your money back - all of it. That is all his fault for poor packaging. Neg him. But if you paid with DD, you have no way of getting your money back. Lodge a complaint with EBay and you might get $25 back (if that) if they decide to investigate.
just a quick update i havent heard anything back and havent left any feedback yet...ill give them time to explain it before i do......if im not contacted in another week then ill post feedback.too be honest, its not the damage, (that was really only a dozen or so of the Classic college cards that are doubled and tripled to the max anyway, all the other stuff was fine.
but yeah
no kobe, not even a base and no jordan rookie baseball.
no biggy tho.
not like its 1/1...but yeah its the principal.
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