How addicted have u been to the hobby?

I'm addicted to some extent, but I put cards last.

I don't buy to impress anyone, I don't buy to try to be the best collector, I don't buy for any other reason other than personal interest.

I'll look on Ebay every day, somtimes 5-6 times a day, but I don't find myself buying as much as I used to.

I'm actually in a state of forced-time out, where I've only purchased 1 card the last few weeks, and that was 1 day ago.

I'm working on a new way to fund cards, so I don't have to spend any income which myself and Danni earn from working. It'll work, but it needs a lot of time.

Gees Scotty....I am almost exactly that same way!!

I used to spend heaps but lately i have had to slow down alot as i am about to get married and about to live over seas!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: And as such the cards have had to suffer!!:cry:
Being a set collector, half the challenge is having the patience and persistence to keep at it all the time, in order to complete the goal. I get great pleasure in knowing I completed something that I set out to do, and putting together a display page gives me great pleasure and i have a great time thinking and planning it out. It takes my mind away from the problems and troubles in life.

The hobby can be expensive indeed, which is why I sort of turned to Sene 3 months ago.

I just couldn't roll with the Big Shaq collectors out there, that would buy MULTIPLES of super high end stuff. And spending $10 on shipping a $3.00 base card was not my cup of tea.

In the end, I love teh hobby, and have been able to meet so many people I would never have, and most importantly, helped out so many people in their PC's makes me happy too :D
Totally addicted. If I forget to bid on something I want quite a lot I get the shits about it :lol:. I do check ebay pretty much everyday, but I have never spent more than $20 on a single card before (probably will change sooner or later), so I'm not exactly forking out wads of cash all the time. I probably spend maybe a bit more than $100 a month with the occasional box thrown in for good measure.
Totally addicted. If I forget to bid on something I want quite a lot I get the shits about it :lol:. I do check ebay pretty much everyday, but I have never spent more than $20 on a single card before (probably will change sooner or later), so I'm not exactly forking out wads of cash all the time. I probably spend maybe a bit more than $100 a month with the occasional box thrown in for good measure. that;s control! Tommorrow I'm unleashing my crazyness...
Can't spend what you don't have :lol:. I will probably get into some higher end stuff on my bday, I have most of my family get me $$ as I can't take any large items back on the plaece :D. that;s control! Tommorrow I'm unleashing my crazyness...

Ben... are you are unleashing a Kyle Korver Auto Logoman 1/1 with matching printing plates :razz:... just kidding.... I look forward to seeing this crazy mailday tomorrow :thumbsup:
Ben... are you are unleashing a Kyle Korver Auto Logoman 1/1 with matching printing plates :razz:... just kidding.... I look forward to seeing this crazy mailday tomorrow :thumbsup:

Even if I was, that'd cost me $200 tops. Ah the joys of collecting a role player :D
When I jumped back into, I bought lots of stuff from different sets, boxes, singles, everything.

Now I pretty much concentrate on the Debut Ink, SPGU's and Denham Brown, and pick up Fleer 61's from time to time.

I think at the start everyone goes crazy at the start; or at least tries to figure out what its they wanna collect, whether it ranges from player collections like MavsMan with his Devin Harris and Nash13 with Nash, JZA's Legends autos collections to high end sets that Mike collects to Linn's 1 Player-1 Auto. It just takes time to figure what it is that you wanna devote your time, and more importantly, your hard earned on.
I don't think I'm overly addicted in the sense of spending til I am stupid.... but I think I have some sort of addiction because when I don't have new PC cards coming in I get a bit bummed.... which means I am a bit bummed atm (well until my recent freebies from gerco) because I am needing money for bills etc and don't have satsifactory tradebait.

My friend Terry made the statement to a new aquaintance of my hobby that she should see my entertainment unit there was more cards on/in it than electronics (and I have a tv, 2 dvd players, vcr, surround sound unit and austar box) says something for all the folders I have LOL

My Dad has never liked my hobby... but as he once told me, "when considering the price, consider hwo many minutes of happiness you will gain from having this and if you'll have more minutes than dollars, its worth it". He was of course talking about the $70 I spent purchasing the poetry book I had a poem published in.

Oh yeah bet you didn't know I am a published poet ha ha

more than meets the eye.
I was once addicted, attended therapy, that didn't work, so now I'm addicted again. lol!
I think about it I would say I'm definietly addicted to the NBA, maybe not just cards and the hobby alone, or would that come under the same heading of 'Hobby'?
I will have to free myself very soon if I'm to start some form of life for myself lol, house etc.
I believe I was once an addict. It was in the early to mid 90's. I couldn't to to work in the morning without stopping some place I knew had packs of cards. It was like I was in a mad rush to get to that store, then to work to open them. Sometimes they never lasted until I got to work.

I had to get over that though, once I became a weekend show card dealer. I had to slowly convince myself that these were just pieces of cardboard, especially when I became specialized in my favorite collected player "Jordan".

I still get the urge though, and sometimes when I can't control myself, I get a box of cheap cards and just tear them open.

Ugh Ive been very addicted. I had to stop looking at the boards for 3-4 months just to stop the problem.

Although I don't spend much money on anything else, the number of auctions I was winning was way too much.

It was getting far too much and I finally realised it. Hopefully now I can come back and show a little more restraint than before!
All these stories are similar!!!!

Here's another question for u all which I think each individual needs to answer privately or publically.

IS your card hobby spending stopping you from getting ahead in life
?? IE if it was going on a house, car etc how much further ahead would u be?

For me - a little bit - I've been sick the last few days and had a count up of my collection - adding up what I've paid for all my #21 cards in the last 2 years back in the hobby and taking away what I sold my high end LJ's for I'm pretty happy with how it's gone. Probably spend approx $500 in 2 years. For the fun and joy of the hobby over a 2 yr period I think that's manageable - but each to their own.
All these stories are similar!!!!

Here's another question for u all which I think each individual needs to answer privately or publically.

IS your card hobby spending stopping you from getting ahead in life?? IE if it was going on a house, car etc how much further ahead would u be?

For me - a little bit - I've been sick the last few days and had a count up of my collection - adding up what I've paid for all my #21 cards in the last 2 years back in the hobby and taking away what I sold my high end LJ's for I'm pretty happy with how it's gone. Probably spend approx $500 in 2 years. For the fun and joy of the hobby over a 2 yr period I think that's manageable - but each to their own.

you could look at any luxury item that way though Al....Life would be no fun if you put any extra money that didnt go to food & Bills into the mortgage or whatever...the way i see it, I work hard, long and crappy hours at my job i should be able to spend a little of that money on something frivellous like basketball cards, and Tara agrees :D =D>
you could look at any luxury item that way though Al....Life would be no fun if you put any extra money that didnt go to food & Bills into the mortgage or whatever...the way i see it, I work hard, long and crappy hours at my job i should be able to spend a little of that money on something frivellous like basketball cards, and Tara agrees :D =D>

I totally agree with that or life would be one long grind.
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