How addicted have u been to the hobby?


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I think this is worth talking about - will see what u guys think. Haha! Currently I am quite happy with my level of spending which is very minimal but it wasn't always that way.
Back in the 90's when I had no kids and me and the Mrs were together and both earning, I used to buy a lot of packs down at the local shop. In fact if she was away - I'd sneak out and buy 4 or 5 on the sly - stuff like SP at a higher price was coming out then and I was getting thru too much $!!!!!
Now there are no card shops here and I'm pretty happy with that!!!

HOWEVER - I do get itchy when mails doesn't come in - I probably get on average about 4 or 5 maildays a month and hate it if they're late!! So there's still some addiction there. I have no doubt in my mind that it's a mailday addiction!!! I'm in no way addicted to busting packs or buying boxes at all.

Ahhhhh! that's better.......:lol::lol::lol::thumbsup:
Have quelled myself a little lately, but you only need to see how many maildays I made in the past 2 months to tell!! haha
Oh and then there's tommorrows mailday...
i have a budget each month i have set for cards and i dont spend more than that, which is why im forever asking people to wait untill i get paid for me to pay for stuff... LOL... I figure this is my one vice, i dont smoke, drink, gamble or do drugs, so yeh, :)

My name is Mat, and im an addict

edit: when i say i dont drink, i mean i dont drink everyday, if theres an event on i will drink, but not just at home for no reason
i have a budget each month i have set for cards and i dont spend more than that, which is why im forever asking people to wait untill i get paid for me to pay for stuff... LOL... I figure this is my one vice, i dont smoke, drink, gamble or do drugs, so yeh, :)

My name is Mat, and im an addict

edit: when i say i dont drink, i mean i dont drink everyday, if theres an event on i will drink, but not just at home for no reason

You and me both. This is my 1 real expendature also. And I'm going to have to cap myself in the future :razz:
I'm a full blown junkie but it is my only vice.
I've not spent more than I can afford but it has added up to a good chunk of money over the last couple years.
I used to spend like there was no tomorrow.....and in some cases I still do.

This hobby can be very addictive, rarely do collectors get the chance to take a breather with new releases out every month or so, On top of the endless stream of cards appearing on ebay.

The main point to remember is that collecting cards is a Hobby. If it starts to interfere with your life in ways such as you missing paying the water bill in place of picking up a nice new card, or not having enough money for essential items, then its no longer a hobby but an obsession and a problem.

Sure, I've spent hundreds and in some cases thousands (once) on cards, but in saying this I will only do so after all of the bills are paid and everything else has been taken care of.

On top of this, I dont bust any boxes (well 2 boxes in the last 5 years) and strictly buy singles. I do get and understand the rush and the thrill of busting boxes and packs, but I dont get the logic behind busting boxes looking for a certain card, when it will almost be picked up for less than the box .

In short it can be very addictive and time consuming, but in the end collecting is fun and at the end of the day thats the main reason why we do it.

I can't be. Now I have more things to pay for I don't buy as many if any cards at the moment ;)

If you are buying up cards for the sake of having maildays because your chase cards aren't available then thats not great imo. Take your money and go and out and enjoy having money for the cards you want when they come in rather than having to sell up to fund them.

Addicted to eBay and looking. Sure. Addicted to bidding...nope.

If your coffee table is two milk crates with a plank of wood but you have a Bron Auto on it then take a good look at yourself.

If you sleep in a single bed and have a Jordan Auto take a look at yourself.

I'm addicted to some extent, but I put cards last.

I don't buy to impress anyone, I don't buy to try to be the best collector, I don't buy for any other reason other than personal interest.

I'll look on Ebay every day, somtimes 5-6 times a day, but I don't find myself buying as much as I used to.

I'm actually in a state of forced-time out, where I've only purchased 1 card the last few weeks, and that was 1 day ago.

I'm working on a new way to fund cards, so I don't have to spend any income which myself and Danni earn from working. It'll work, but it needs a lot of time.
Interesting!!! This is my most popular thread ever. HAHA!

I'm a bit like u mavsman in that I look a lot for the #21 cards I chase - too much in fact and I don't spend any income unless it's like a secondary income - ie I do some other work or we get a tax credit and I take a piece of that. But know what u mean MattyJ - 3 nippers running round means u can't spend too much time on the PC!!
I love cards and never had any problem buying cards yet, LOL..

so, this has been a real fun for me since i got back into collecting, it's a great topic you initiated Al....

for me, i don't chase alot of cards, i bid and if i win, that's great, if i don't, that's still alright with me, maybe that's why i have like 20 incomplete sets at the moment hehe

now, i am trying to open new paypal account that's directly linked to bank account here, so i think i will be able to spend more... but the only downsize is, sometimes, i want a particular card and i forgot to bid of what I could.. LOL even though i appear to be online all the time...

coz most of the auction ending times from Australia, I might be out having fun or watching movies or out for dinner..

I don't have many cards each week, and i am happy with what I have :)
give auction sniper a's great for those auctions that finish at 2am...simply place your bid with auction sniper, set it for when you want it to bid and it does!

I have won many auctions by this method!

PM me if you want more details!

I used to think I was addicted, to searching Ebay a few times a day and buying up any card I needed for the PC. I used to get angry if I missed an auction or was outbid, now I don't really mind. Money has never been an issue but I've always managed to control myself and most of the time I can't justify spending hundreds on one card, thats just me. Lately I've been more involved with work and I've found other things more fulfilling.

It's just a hobby to me, I buy for myself and to expand my collection. I get excited looking at my cards, sorting through cards and talking about the ins and outs with fellow collectors such as you all. My collection is one of the things that can wind me down after a tough week and pass the hours.

So yea, I don't think I'm addicted but the hobby is definitely therapeutic. I love doing what I do and hope to keep doing it for a while to come. OzCards is a bonus :wave:
When i was working at Timezone my addiction got full on, i was going from card shop to card shop (2 in penrith, 1 at St Marys and 1 at Parramatta). I had no other focus. Now that i have no income i dont look at ebay (this way i dont know what i am missing out on ;)) but when i started back up (last yr) i was on ebay at work and at home.
give auction sniper a's great for those auctions that finish at 2am...simply place your bid with auction sniper, set it for when you want it to bid and it does!

I have won many auctions by this method!

PM me if you want more details!



thanks alot for the info, yes sniper and bid assistant thingy, i never thought about using it.. i always forgot that in fact.. will keep that in mind...

I just noticed, it's about how addicted we HAVE been, not how we are...

When I first got into Ebay, and re-introduced to all the cards and boxes, and this and that, I went nuts, had packages after packages coming in.

I was pretty bad to start with, but realised that what I was getting wasn't all that great. And that's when I decided to start collecting something, or someone in particular.

And we all know where that's lead me...... ;)
i spend about 80-110 € each month for the hobby and try to open a box (a good one) every 3 or 4's more and more difficult for me to find 90's inserts from my wantlist but when i find one ,it's a real pleasure and it doesn't matter if it's a jordan/25 or basic insert and that's for me one of the reason of why i like the hobby and why i go on. Moreover when i started collecting inserts before 2000 ,i was almost alone on the french board and now we are severals to collect ,it's very fun to see what my friends can get for their PC .I love the 90's and hope to have more and more pleasure with cards trading days after days!! :-)
When i was a kid i wanted any NBA cards i could get my hands on!

it faded, because it wasn't a common hobby with my friends.

ever since i've rejoined the hobby, in the very beginning i went crazy, buying anything that i thought was enticing!

now i've slown down, money doesn't grow on trees.
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