OZCT Supporter
I think its across the board.
Hobby Kingz is no more...
blow-out is nowhere near as active as it used to be.
I think part of the issue is that there doesn't seem to be many collectors left any more and a lot more rip and flip.
The recent boom over the past few years alot has come from Social Media people Gary V, Jake (or Logan whichever it was)Paul etc... so the people that saw that are obviously on those already and not on a forum so naturally look for groups on those platforms. All the breakers are on there posting the hits instantly so people already see all the cards.
Also the hobby seems to be getting younger and I would imagine a lot of people never knew forums existed or still exist as they only know social media.
How do we get people back to the forum is a good question.
The ozct fb page isn't super active so possibly doesn't bump on peoples algorithms and they forget about us or they don't know about.
With the hobby shows seemingly making a bit of a come back, the hangout in Melbourne was huge earlier in the year. Some sort of advertising maybe a flyer or give away sponsored by ozct at those events.
Im sure more posts will inspire more ideas here
where did the true collectors and hobby enthusiasts go though? How many times have we said or heard the story “back into collecting since i was younger, found girls, cars etc and found collection” etc - many times!
pushed back out by the prices? Disillusioned by flippers and greed? I can’t figure it out