Wow, what a tough crowd
It certainly has its positives and negatives but I still reckon it's better than Gold Standard at $200 per box.
I really like the Noyz Boyz (D. Rob and Kawhi to go with my T.D

Court Masters look pretty cool, mainly the ones I liked were Lebron, G. Hill and Penny.
Never liked Intimidation Nation.
Steve Nash is a winner having him in the inserts.
Loving the Worthys and Russells in the set. Obviously would like to see more colour from their pics.
The blue PMG's look amazing and get your greens now.
I do agree, the inserts seem to have less shine than the originals. Did they do it so they did'nt copy exactly from the originals???
Pretty disappointing if they did it to save time or cost, surely not.
Blue Jordan PMG looks epic with the NC jersey.
Zo and Malone Jambas, what's not to like there?
Plenty of value in the boxes, I've seen mostly solid breaks.
When someone pulls a Jordan 1/1 buyback this product is gonna go crazy.
Someone mentioned going and paying for a $300 box from the 90's, yeah sure, go for it, you'll end up holding a Dana Barros autographics and a Shareef Abdur Rahim insert.
Sticker autos ALWAYS suck!!! Bit of a shame there, especially from Jordan.
I think they've done quite well really, we wanted 90's inserts, they've given us them. Some of the inserts work really well and some fall flat in a heap.
Did I say I wanted that D. Rob Noyz Boyz? Bring it.