ONLY in one person's opinion.So let me see if I have this right
A card released as a PMG under the Skybox label, who are owned by Upper Deck, being the company that released the original PMG is not a PMG
Yet the Fleer Retros are PMG's
ONLY in one person's opinion.
In most if not all of everyone else's opinion, ALL PMG's are PMG's some are better looking then others, some are made a little better,some are worth a little more....
I would be happy to own them all, but i would always prefer the originals.
Is this someones collection of Retro so far?
It can't be! Look at all of the 1/1 Buybacks!Is this someones collection of Retro so far?
It can't be! Look at all of the 1/1 Buybacks!
Must just be a group shot of the ones that have surfaced!
Well they look really nice all together^yup. just a collage of all the diff jordans that have surfaced from retro
Seems to be a couple of buybacks missing right?Great MJ pics! Nba uniform or not, you gotta love them!
Great MJ pics! Nba uniform or not, you gotta love them!
Seems to be a couple of buybacks missing right?By the way have you open your boxes yet?
I don't love them. The buybacks are cool(ish) but the others are just imitations with photos from the early 80's on them. Urgh...
whos is this "special boy" ???
anyone else hate how the championship hardware/ noyz boyz/ autographics are the exact same picture.....surely they have a truckload of jordan photos.....makes me thik that not a lot of effort was put into them.....
still love them though