Best i could come up big blunder though, well maybe not a blunder but rather a marketing ploy...but....these cards dont fit into normal 9 pocket pagesthey are too big ?
the Bag Tags and the Glow in the dark mascots are numbered wrong they have crossed them over
I can't believe that people call this an epic failure because the cards are 1. bigger than a normal card size and 2. they don't fit in a normal size 9 pocket page. For gods sake this set is meant for 6 - 10 year old children. Problems with numbering aside the cards are meant to be played with, swapped in the school yard and generally chucked around by kids not collected by a 40 year old bloke whose only contribution to card collecting is to bag the crape out of a product.
I understand that. But to kill a section of the market by making the cards an irregular size just seems strange. The kids can chuck the cards around just as well if they are the correct size to fit in Ultra Pro pages, plus the collectors will pick up a few as well. What possible advantage is there to making them bigger?
Is there a Powerplay folder with suitable pages available?
I understand that. But to kill a section of the market by making the cards an irregular size just seems strange. The kids can chuck the cards around just as well if they are the correct size to fit in Ultra Pro pages, plus the collectors will pick up a few as well. What possible advantage is there to making them bigger?
Is there a Powerplay folder with suitable pages available?
I can't believe that people call this an epic failure because the cards are 1. bigger than a normal card size and 2. they don't fit in a normal size 9 pocket page. For gods sake this set is meant for 6 - 10 year old children. Problems with numbering aside the cards are meant to be played with, swapped in the school yard and generally chucked around by kids not collected by a 40 year old bloke whose only contribution to card collecting is to bag the crape out of a product.
I can't believe that people call this an epic failure because the cards are 1. bigger than a normal card size and 2. they don't fit in a normal size 9 pocket page. For gods sake this set is meant for 6 - 10 year old children. Problems with numbering aside the cards are meant to be played with, swapped in the school yard and generally chucked around by kids not collected by a 40 year old bloke whose only contribution to card collecting is to bag the crape out of a product.
1. ESP stated "This product is primarily targeted at the 6 to 16 age group but will appeal to the collectors."
2. Although you might not think so im as entitled to my opinion as you are - even if you dont like it.
3. 33 year old thanks.
isn't this forum just becoming PATHETIC. Might give myself a few days away. To get back to reality