Price wise I think we all know what the trends are......
Prices will start High then drop VERY quickly as flippers flip and breakers break and break and break........
If you buy your cards during this phase you will get them at very reasonable prices; big name players will alway cost a mint but if you wait then they will either cost a mint plus a mint or not be available.
The breaking era makes it much easier to access the cards you want but the disadvantage is that productions sell out much faster meaning if you sit back and wait too long then there is no chance at the card you want popping up at a reasonable price as they are all out of the packs/boxes and in collectors hands.
A great example of this is the Ablett Next Generation Dual Signature Card; they started at about $1000-1200 the the market flooded with them and some sold for $700

but now try and find one for under $1500!
Last but not least You need to factor the NBA boom into this; the NBA box price has gone nut! Boxes I bought for $40-50 are now selling for $250-300 and the NBA collectors are looking for something more affordable to bust and SUPREMACY gave them the insight into just how affordable and fun AFL boxes are to break. In steps Dominance 2020.......the NBA collectors will pounce, mark my words! This is the X-Factor; will it have an effect on the card prices? I think no but I think it will definitely increase the box sales and how quick this release sells out.