jkidd05 OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 1023 0 0 Sep 14, 2014 #21 Very cool mailday indeed The innovation patch is nicer than most of the patches from high end releases.
Very cool mailday indeed The innovation patch is nicer than most of the patches from high end releases.
wolvesjr34 Morrow Super Collector Feedback - 100% 421 0 0 Sep 14, 2014 #22 Grats buddy! Nice effort on all that stuff, expecially the rainbow!
vivo87 Chasin' Chandler Feedback - 100% 77 0 0 Sep 15, 2014 #24 Haha thats gold man, that's when you know you've got a good one!!!
KB. Al-farouq Aminu Supercollector Feedback - 100% 182 0 0 Sep 15, 2014 #25 That is indeed a super patch. Nuggets always have killers patches tho! Congrats on the rainbow too.