Brilliance is coming

Just keep in mind the courier collects them all in one hit, takes them back to their own warehouse, then scans them. So usually no tracking will show as collected until later in the day.
Don't stress anyone, I'm a *cough* Auspost worker *cough* (please don't shoot me), but these will be collected in one hit and if you selected express or startrack premium will arrive tomorrow if in regional areas.

These shipments are priority and we are well out of covid times where we didn't have the machinery or equipment to deal with such massive volumes in regards to parcels.

24 hour machine sorting is in place now and you should see updates to your shipments early tomorrow morning like "in transit to next facility".

And in case you're wondering, I have an express and startrack order coming so I'm in the same boat as you all. The excitement is real.
I’m in a hit and miss spot, should arrive overnight but it’s usually 50/50. So I try not to be too disappointed the next day when people are busting and mine is still “IN TRANSIT” lol
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