Probably the introduction of much better stuff. Who wants inserts and nice base when you can get Autos and GUs? I still collect a few base sets here and there but Panini has produced some of the most boring ie. Prestige, Threads, Timeless Treasures and others with so many variations it's ridiculous ie. Certified. Also postage cost is a factor in collecting base nowadays especially if you don't bust any of the boxes. Just isn't worth it sometimes...
Taz_Cardz said:You need to ask yourself, what can you financially afford to collect, and how often to you want to buy cards
The relative purchase frequency is also really important, even more than collecting takes a long time.
For instance, I'm searching for Paul George cards, and as he's a current player, you can find new cards popped up on ebay almost every week, so the temptation is really big to chase ALL the cards
Besides this collection, I decided to take AU's and 1/1 of Jerry Sloan (sadly, I'm not able to focus on only ONE thing) , so very rare cards, and I don't have monthly outgoings on this side PC.
For me it's a good balance, Paul George's PC costs me a lot of money and time, and it's nice sometimes to take a breath of fresh air with a side collection which is not your main priority and is not so expensive.
And once again, imho, the player you like the most should have the top priority in your way of collecting, even if he's quite expensive or doesn't have the nicest cards in the world. I truly believe that the passion for basketball, a special player /team/ set or simply the fact you're digging the style of a player (for whatever reason) is way more important than collecting something which is simply affordable.
And once again, imho, the player you like the most should have the top priority in your way of collecting, even if he's quite expensive or doesn't have the nicest cards in the world. I truly believe that the passion for basketball, a special player /team/ set or simply the fact you're digging the style of a player (for whatever reason) is way more important than collecting something which is simply affordable.
true that, it's a great way to complete setsI'd like to add, COMC, they are a great site to buy cheaper cards in bulk and save on nasty postage.