2016 AFL Season Discussion

What do we think Select and Teamcoach will do re: Essendon cards? How late is too late to remove players and start again? I imagine it would be a logistical nightmare, given that both products are generally released at or by the end of March. Essendon are of course still in the process of recruiting their top-up players. Banned players Hurley, Hooker, Stanton, Heppell and Watson - not to mention the ex-Bombers at other clubs - would be "first choice" selections by Select and Teamcoach for "common" cards and then there are the captain wildcards etc.

Decisions, decisions, hey?
Select will be the ones worrying.
They are heavily criticised on here, as I've seen on my 2+ months on the forum.
Their release is generally before Teamcoach, if I'm correct.
So 1 month to think of a contingency plan ahead of this release.

I'd just personally replace players who are out with top-up players, like most of you guys would.
However, whatever they do, it will be met with controversy IMO.
Their company has been heavily criticised on OCT as I said earlier, and if they don't want a release that doesn't sell 40% of their boxes, then their decision will have a major impact on fans thought about them.
What do we think Select and Teamcoach will do re: Essendon cards? How late is too late to remove players and start again? I imagine it would be a logistical nightmare, given that both products are generally released at or by the end of March. Essendon are of course still in the process of recruiting their top-up players. Banned players Hurley, Hooker, Stanton, Heppell and Watson - not to mention the ex-Bombers at other clubs - would be "first choice" selections by Select and Teamcoach for "common" cards and then there are the captain wildcards etc.

Decisions, decisions, hey?
It's hard to say. I reckon Select might use 12 of the remaining non-top-up Bombers on their cards. I think Teamcoach might use some of the top-ups with photos from the NAB Challenge, which could mean a slightly delayed release.

The AFL Pre-Season Fantasy Record is coming out on Tuesday Thursday in Vic. Can someone take a pic of the traditional Select and Teamcoach ads if they are able to? :D Let's hope for SOMETHING new in Champions!
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Massive injury news this morning, with Hawthorn utility Jarryd Roughead (my man Rough!!) requiring a PCL reconstruction. He will miss somewhere between four and five months. He has had the injury for a long time but through management and recovery sessions he has been able to get through it. The Hawks sought expert advice as the knee was not recovering even after a rest period and they were advised that surgery was the best option.

In other news, the Gold Coast Suns had re-appointed Gary Ablett as captain, with vice-captains Dion Prestia, Tom Lynch and Steven May joining him as part of an expanded TEN MAN LEADERSHIP GROUP!!! Christ, you'd be mightily unlucky NOT to be included in their leadership group. Ten is absolute nonsense in my opinion.
Christ, you'd be mightily unlucky NOT to be included in their leadership group. Ten is absolute nonsense in my opinion.
I wonder if this 'team of leaders' will do so well on a football ground, hey?
Some of those players would be lucky to be in the role for a season, reading the list of leadership group members.
I can't help but ask why the Hawks didn't put him in for surgery as soon as year year finished, wouldn't have missed a game then. I hope all goes well in recovery for him, we'll need him in the second half of the year.
Well at the risk of being labelled a halfwit (or worse!), I have gone ahead and predicted how I think the 2016 Home and Away ladder will look at the end of the season:

1. West Coast
2. Sydney
3. Hawthorn
4. Fremantle
5. North Melbourne
6. Richmond
7. Port Adelaide
8. Geelong
9. Collingwood
10. Western Bulldogs
11. Adelaide
12. Greater Western Sydney
13. St Kilda
14. Melbourne
15. Gold Coast
16. Carlton
17. Essendon
18. Brisbane

I think that West Coast will now truly know that what they thought was good enough was in fact nowhere near good enough on Grand Final day and a lot of their stars will have a massive point to prove. Buddy in full-flight can pilot the Swans to a top two finish and I would not be surprised to see him have a 70+ goal season.

I've left out the Dogs and Crows on a "buyer beware" hunch more than anything - I'm still not convinced that the Doggies are a quality side without the Etihad "fast track". As for the Crows, I guess we will see just how much they did play on emotion in the second half of 2015.

I'm not convinced that the Gold Coast are anything but a "Gazza or bust" outfit, and even the little champ can't lift them to the finals by himself. As for GWS......I still think they are a couple of years away from the great rush that some experts expect to arrive this year, although that's not necessarily a bad thing. Leon Cameron's re-signing this week is a positive move that shows great off-field stability.

Melbourne intrigue me - it's a bit like that horrendously bad TV show that you can't look away from....they are the Geordie Shore of the AFL!! I think with the Dees it's a case of "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got". Simon Goodwin will inherit a team that is potentially no better than those under the stewardship of Dean Bailey or Mark Neeld. That said, 14th position could still be worth 7-9 wins.

Geez, I fear for Brisbane and Justin Leppitch. I have picked Brisbane to take the spoon over Carlton and Essendon, as I think the Blues will benefit from Brendon Bolton's coaching style and their hard-working midfield keeping them in games longer, whilst the Bombers have picked up good, experienced veterans to compliment the non-banned players and Woosha would be an expert in the "US against THEM" mentality.

Footnote: These are merely the opinions of a mug punter who doesn't know his arse from his elbow :-)

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Here's my rankings of the teams, with a four-position range for each team:

Hawthorn (1 - 4) - can never discount a champion team, even with aging stars.
West Coast (1 - 4) - better for the experience, despite being thrashed in the GF.
Port Adelaide (2 - 5) - can see them rebounding very quickly.
Sydney (3 - 6) - their fortunes rest on Buddy's shoulders, but have a very strong midfield.
Fremantle (3 - 6) - stars aging and question marks over the forward line, may slide a little.
Richmond (4 - 7) - should be around the mark again, but pressure will be on in the finals.
North Melbourne (5 - 8) - can't see them improving as such, but a reasonable list and should make finals.
Geelong (6 - 9) - decent recruits but a player doesn't make a team.
Adelaide (6 - 9) - despite the loss of Dangerfield showed a bit at the end of last season.
Collingwood (8 - 11) - building a good list with some gun young midfielders.
Greater Western Sydney (9 - 12) - probably one more season before they launch a serious assault.
Western Bulldogs (9 - 12) - should slide after an unexpected rise last year, but building nicely.
St Kilda (11 - 14) - some good youngsters but lacking depth.
Gold Coast (12 - 15) - Gaz will return but can he lead them up the ladder?
Melbourne (12 - 15) - Hogan is a star but still lacking depth.
Brisbane (15 - 18) - will struggle again, I feel things aren't right internally.
Essendon (15 - 18) - won't do as poorly as predicted, but losing half your Best 22 always hurts.
Carlton (15 - 18) - can't see them improving, poor list and heaps of developing youngsters.
@Scotty_WCE your thoughts are similar to mine. With that in mind, I plead with you NOT to place any footy-related bets this year!!! :-)

I guess by now the issue between high-profile media personalities Garry Lyon and Billy Brownless is well-known throughout the football supporting landscape. I don't want to talk about the rights or wrongs or morals - "but for the grace of God go I", and all that sort of thing - but I do want to make people outside Victoria think about the following.

The thing that I come back to in all of this is just how unanswerable to anyone the media has become and how grubby they are prepared to be in the name of brinkmanship. Firstly, you have a News Limited journalist (who also appears on Fox Footy and SEN) breaking a story about media personalities who appear on Channel Nine and Triple M (and in Garry's case, writes for Fairfax). Garry has belittled Mark Robinson's work re: the Essendon saga - admittedly in a "jokey" manner - and I can't help but think that this is some kind of personal payback.
Not hard to see which dog Robbo has in this fight, judging by the article he put up tonight


Nine’s support for Bill Brownless has been deafening in its silence.

Not a skerrick of care has been released publicly from the network about Brownless in what must be a soul-destroying period for the frothy-loving Cat.

No such lack of love for Lyon, though, who Nine has portrayed as a victim.

“We are all supporting Garry and hope he will be back to good health very soon. Our priority is his well being,” Nine said.

Sorry, Bill, you’re not high on the priority list.


Talking about Footy Classified, Nine said Lyon was battling serious mental health issues for several months, but he seemed it was the same ol’ Gaz - emotionally invested, confident and knew right from wrong - when he hosted the Essendon supplement saga show with Barrett and Caroline Wilson on January 15.

If Nine knew of the on-going health battle, why did it allow Lyon to go on the show?

At Triple M, which was a ratings juggernaut, Lyon was the leader of the gang which, as part of the group’s DNA, danced on the misfortune of others.

Lyon, Brayshaw, Barret et al belittled the likes of Wayne Carey, Ben Cousins and Ricky Nixon and others. Bullying is a hobby and so is smart arse comments.

Now, one of Triple M’s own has crashed into the wall and clearly there won’t be the same banter at Lyon’s misfortune.

When you pass judgment or make jokes or poke fun at someone else’s pain or expense, it’s best to make sure your own backyard is tidy.

Also sneaks in a quick dig at Damian Barrett
Well, the NAB Challenge begins tonight, with Hawthorn hosting Carlton at Aurora Stadium in Tasmania. There are six games of footy from tonight until Sunday night, before it all kicks off again next Thursday.

Exactly what you achieve from the pre-season campaign is open to debate - but at as a footy fan it sure beats watching farmers wanting wives, celebrities eating elephant scrotums in the jungle or home cooks serving a miniscule piece of an unpronounceable dish and calling it a "main course"!! Some coaches have already delegated responsibility to their assistants - Justin Longmuir will take over from Adam Simpson for West Coast's first match, Adem Yze will do likewise at Hawthorn. At Sydney, co-captain Jarrad McVeigh will try his hand at senior coaching this weekend.
Very scrapy and error ridden match by both team but expected. Very impressed with the blues effort all match, just the inexperience showed. But if you are a blues fan you would have to be happy with that game and in particular their tackling effort.
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