Bradley, we are all entitled to our opinion.
Personally I like all the select release expect the 1 off offers (tri star / hill bros).
Honors is exactly what the industry needed. A release that is aimed at the general public and not collectors. Honors was a dedicated to a theme everyone is aware of. With the amount broken down, my guess is economics will run its due course. Supply vs demand.
Regardless if the series is a bust or success what impact do you think the constant bitching does to the overall card industry?
It negates any future growth. It has a negative impact to the industry we are trying to grow.
In Wangie's defense, what did you expect? What the members were doing was indirectly impacting his source of income. What would you do if you're income was effected?
For someone who's second language is English, my opinion is he got his message across. I only hope I can convey a message in a second language as good as that.
Just a opinion from a private collector.
Go rooboys 2015.
Appreciate the reply Ming, my post originally was directed at you funnily enough with a few questions thrown in as i wanted to hear your opinion.
I understand some of your points and i don't have a problem with Steve personally, he is a nice man and has always been respectful until that incident. I might have issues with certain relationships but i can also concede that Steve is good for the industry in many, many ways.
Being a constant dealer through hard times and having a shop that caters mostly to AFL.
Trying to keep prices high for the benefit of the market.
Positive attitude in regards to collecting.
Helps collectors find cards they need and desire.
If anything Steve could/should be a louder voice for us because then perhaps Select would listen.
I don't think the bitching as you see it benefits the hobby unless it brings change, which in my opinion is greatly needed.
Honours wasn't what the industry needed. I have to flatly disagree, you claim it catered to the general public but here's the thing. Card collecting is a hobby, it's not mainstream, it's a niche market and with all niche markets it pays to involve/cater to your audience.
Most of the general public buy their cards from newsagents and AFL shops, i have spoken to quite a few shops and they were all down dramatically on sales too. Clearly the general public weren't into it either.
Most of the general public don't shop at CardZone and within another month or so Honours will be removed from all AFL shops and Newsagents.
So whats the answer Ming?
You have a lot of great relationships in this industry and you know better than most what would set this hobby alight again, i struggle to believe that you are truly happy or impressed with how things are going Ming. I understand the glass half full approach, i used to feel the same way as something's better than nothing right? but Select are leaving a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths and we are losing a lot of great collectors as a result, it wouldn't be hard to turn this thing around.
It's a shame.
Change doesn't happen overnight but Select are even taking the piss out of that concept.
On a different note, bad luck with the Roos and when are you going to post your Kanga collection, would love to see even a few beauties.