Are select releasing the number 1 in this series?
40 green foil cards signed in green ink - numbered 1-40 (1:6 boxes)
They advertise that they do.
The collection includes:
100 Common Cards
8 State team logo's
Under 18's who are likely to be drafted in 2014.
22 All-Australians. 1:4 packs
The 22 standout players who achieved selection in the NAB AFL All Australian under 18 team
Future Force Signatures - 31 ( 1 per box)
Each player has signed 240 cards.
40 green foil cards signed in green ink - numbered 1-40 (1:6 boxes)
200 red foil cards signed in black ink and numbered 1-200 (1:18 packs)
Cards feature the 31 AIS-AFL Academy players of 2014
7 cards per pack
18 packs per box
$3.50 per pack
$63 per box
So they pumped the price up and we now have green ink instead of gold.
Well they've won me over.
To be honest guys the only thing my collection is missing is a signature in green ink.
That's it!
Why didn't i think of that?
After all our bitching all we needed guys was GREEN INK.
I'm a little overwhelmed and excited with the level of enthusiasm and innovation Future Force is displaying.
Oooh ooooh hey Select i don't want to set the benchmark too high in one go but could we have maybe....dare i say it.....RED INK.....GASP.... next year?
Frankly i think it may very well turn the whole industry on it's head.
I'm thinking GLOBAL EXPANSION here.
Trust me, you'll see i'm right.
I don't think you all realize how game changing this is.
Thank god for the brain trust at Select.
Prime was good, getting a box soon, but Future & Champions need to get way better. Series 2 sets are OK.Select have failed all their releases this year. When does their license expire... the hobby needs a drastic shift.
I'll just review it with 3-6 packs, then not get it.The constant complaining is getting old..........
If you dont like it, don't buy it!