Boris Diaw returning to Spurs with 3yr, $22m deal.
Jordan Farmer now a Clipper with 2yr, $4m deal.
76ers saying that they'd be willing to help Rockets offload Lin if the deal's right.... I know they'd be taking on an $8m expiring contract, but how much of a helper for HOU would that be?!?!?! Certainly puts them in better position to chase Melo. But until anything's certain, they're still a long way off acquiring Melo, IMO.
Mavs also locked up Devin Harris for 3yrs with original (last season) $9m deal. - Bargain, IMO, given what other teams are paying some FAs right now.
Also, turns out that Rose never actually helped Bulls sweet-talk Melo, Rose was there in the middle of his usual routine workouts, and the coaches, etc took Melo to see Rose working out. Rose said he didnt actually know when Melo was in town.... Whether that's smoke and mirrors, or actual fact, we'll never know, but really, he "didnt know"???