seriously got found out!!!Nathan Merritt has paid his one and only game for QLD. as a blues support I would like to say thank you
Well.............let the excuses begin.................AGAIN.
The putting of 4 players in the bin tonight was just ridiculous, should only have been two I think, Justin Hodges from QLD and I think it was Merrin from NSW. The fact that they have banned the biff in a full contact sport is 3 should be decided by which team can sell the most girl scout cookies FFS.
the refs should have got 10 minutes in the bin!!Maybe just a drinking contesthehe, i still dont get why Tate got sent? was it for the push from what i seen Merrin & Hodges through punches, bird and tate pushing but after that there was alot of pushing and shoving? was it for tate initiating it?
well i dont think the score is that bad, it flatters the QLDr's, i am NSW trough and Through... remember these interesting facts......1. we had a disruptive lead up with player "incidences"....2. we had injuries to key players....3. 3 of their tries were scored on rookie merrit's wing where he was caught out of position all night....knowing Merrit's issues Inglis would have told them to do that...4. the bad and subjective calls by the refs were ordinary to say the least some went our way but a lot went their way.
Just a few to take note of as we did well i believe, we got hammered for 20 - 25 minutes and they only got through twice and with their caliber of team that was a awesome 3 will be ours, on our turf.....go blues![]()
The score flatters us???
If Boyd could catch we would have scored 40.