Select printed these cards for Nrl & were asked to keep them the same design as last year & they produced 10,000 of each player.
i bet it was you dave
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!looks like you are #2 eels fan now my friend
whats more the idiot bought both of them. errr me. you only had to bid $1.06 more Dave and you would have beat me. there is still only one set of last years that has been posted on ebay and I havent seen one at the card fairs. I like to have a clean card and a signed one so I took the punt that it will be rare like last year. Once Jarryd signs it for me it will be worth more than $40.
parrathruandthru #1 eels fan
How did ya manage that. I'm still chasing.