I really dislike those antics of theirs. Also I spent $150 on breaks over 3 days and got $10 worth of cards. I really hate myself for that and it must stop. The self loathing is real.
The stuff that is currently unfolding in the US ( The scanning of packs) may eventually impact Cherry. I hope it does. Normally I wouldn't but they are gatekeepers of a kind who immediately stomp on anything remotely negative in the chat like "these boxes are duds" - Blake is the worst. Dale calls it more realistically but you can't come out and say this is a joke, I'm losing 80% of my money 90% of the time. That won't fly. They know they are offering a shocking product( breaks) from a value perspective and will try to protect it as long as they can. Eventually it will get restricted somehow. It's gambling in its absolute worst form. And unregulated to boot.
Back to the big topic. I'm 99% certain I've opened resealed and searched product from BO in 2018/2019. I've always assumed that it was them buying searched/resealed stuff on the secondary market but now with the scanning news you have to wonder.
I have watched a lot of those Bowman Draft Asia boxes broken at Cherry and broke one myself( mistake) and I have not seen one single Skenes or Clarke auto come out. Those are the chase cards. Not one decent auto period. In fact I don't think I've ever seen a really good Bowman Chrome auto pulled by them. Certainly not in all the Bowman breaks I've watched and participated in and that's way over a hundred breaks. Go look at a Layton break and one in three Bowman boxes will contain a decent colour auto. The whole thing stinks.
I honestly believe Cherry wouldn't do it, search/scan, but what if they are being given scanned/searched stuff from the distributors half the time? We are a small market after all. Keep the good stuff over there. Either way I'm done. It's not to be trusted anymore - and that's truly sad.