what about me? haha jk. i will sneak in here with my PC .. hagod damn! thenashcollector AND jasonf23312 AND starbury33 AND aussiemjfreak...THIS is going to rock!!
Looking forward to it! Good luck to everyone! Thanks Drob
if i'm welcome i'd love to be in for Ronnie Brewer
Don't be like that mate. A KG collector made the semi's in the last one so you have every hope
Oi! If we should ever meet somewhere around Perth, you had best hold that blasphemous tongue!
This looks like fun, missed out on the last one so put me down
D.J Augustin
This looks stacked!!!
Another idea for a comp - will take the bling out a bit but how bout top 10 card pictures?? ie awesome photos on cards. That way collectors with a bit less $ still have a sweet chance to win.....Just an idea I had...
Q: What if your PC really sucks?
Just kidding, I'll stick to the shallow end of the pool and enjoy the cardboard on display 'voyeuristically'....
What are the restrictions on cards each entry? I'm just (for a laugh) thinking I might have enough of one player to enter for one round...
10 card total each round.
Maximum of 2 Autos (just auto)
Maximum of 2 patches
Maximum of 2 GU/Auto (patch or GU)
the other 4 to be made up of inserts and plain old GU.
I'm sure you can find something!!!