Yeah mate breeding cichlids is probably my main hobby. I have approx 40 tanks with only about 22ish running at the moment (shut a few down;time and winter) Electricity can be a killer but a well insulated fish room helps keep it in control. My biggest display tank is 8 x 2.5 x 2.5.

Eletric blues are probably one of the easier ones to breed, plenty of water changes, good diet and they should breed well, the key is probably to catch your holding female and put her in another tank until she spits or catch her and strip her (don't do this the first time she holds). The fry will grow like crazty with brine shrimp or even NLS Grow formulea. When they start to mature you will need to start removing the males because a highly dominant male can wipe out a tank of juvies pretty quickly.
I would say ACE Forums is the best Aussie forum, there will definatley be the odd crow on there.
Good Luck