UFO's in Jerusalem

How can you not believe in aliens GiRDS- ?

This universe has millions of galaxies in it. There is bound to be life out there.

The question here is if this is an alien that visited earth or just an unexplained light or could it be a fake video?

EDIT: don't know about it being fake as two different videos show it from different areas. If faked then great work.

SO ATM ALL THE EVIDENCE SHOWS IS IT IS A UFO (unexplained flying ojbect does not mean alien)

shot from two different spots by two different people:

Yes third video is def fake. There is apparently a 4th and 5th video from other angles. There is also an equal amount of videos disproving the hoax videos you posted lol. I don't have time or care to prove or disprove these videos.

In the end this doesn't matter as the original question is do you believe in aliens? not if this footage proves they COME to earth.

To think anything but Yes is wrong. As I said before universe is far too big not to have any other life in it.
crazy video! i seen it before but it must have been a blurry version and couldn't see a thing

i been reading the video descriptions there is higher quality footage but who cares its just orbs. Many have been seen before. So this youtube LQ video is good enough.

It will be more interesting when an actual alien talks to us. This will stop fighting between people who think EVERY video ever made is a hoax and those who claim they are not. Also I think the fact MOST people think UFO automatically means aliens has caused this problem. They need to get a dictionary out an look up what UFO means again.
haha yer that video is def fake with the added dots. I hate how fakes ruin what may be legit videos. I don't know why people have to go ruining stuff.
There is no doubt in my mind that Aliens exist. I am also 99% sure that they visit earth. I'll add the extra 1% when I see one for myself. My parents saw one when they were driving down a country road at night time. My mum was pregnant with me. This thing followed them for several km's before flashing and shooting up into the sky in much the same fashion the one on this video does. Whether or not these Jerusalem videos are fake or not does nothing to alter my thoughts behind it all.

Its weird, because I only just recently read a book called "UFO Encounters" and I got so into it that I actually emailed the author asking him a few questions to clarify certain stories and just to commend him on an awesome book. He replied to me within 24 hours. Really nice guy. Within a week this footage goes viral across the internet, so right now my interests are peaking.
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