The one, the two and the not a three


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Well as I have mentioned before have ramped up my buying because soon the income will be whatever the wife gives me.
I have been told I do not have to find work as long as I keep the house tidy and cook her tea so I intend to give that a go
In the meantime I have been spending and here is some more of what has arrived

First up is the not 3

A nice jersey numbered auto from Timeless Treasures. Not a big fan of this design and the auto placement but could not let a jersey numbered version go


Naturally in postion 2 is the 2

A nice 2/5 auto


And now to the 1


and why is this the 1, because of this

So there you have the one, the two and the not a three
oh very nice mate... nice to see you grabbing some good ones while you can :)

Figured now was the best time while I still have money

Mate, those pickups are crazy!

Thanks Jacob

Awesome additions Garth, hope the missus is kind to you in your time of need :thumbsup:

Mark, she is being very kind. As a matter of fact last night she said she was looking forward to me staying home and having her tea cooked when she got home.

---------- Post added 08-10-2010 at 09:19 PM ----------

Sweet! Nice pickups as usual Garth! I agree with ya on the sticker placement on the first one!

I know it's total crap

Love the jersey #ed pickup Garth but the 1/1 is crazy!!

Thanks Jack
That first sticker auto couldn't have gone in a worse place given all the light coloured bordering! 1/1 is a killer addition to the PC!
wonderful additions yet again by you garth... that 1/1 is a cracker cause of those real nice patches
Another high quality mailday Garth.

I'm sure you'll get used to the apron and suspenders, good on you mate for giving it a go!
Once again some nice pickups Garth! I really like those 2 auto/patch cards especially the jersey/patch/auto, I have one like that for Daniels are they are really nice cards!
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