2002-03 UD Glass & Sweet Shot...

Mini Box 2...

Gonna skip all the base... except for a few notables...

Pack 1:
All base.. Jordan

Pack 2:

All base... Stockton

Pack 3...


Pack 4:

Base... Penny, Iverson
Pack 5:

Base...KG, Battier:D, Kobe
UD Glass 'GET REAL' Jersey - Jason Kidd (could be considered a dual ---see scan later:D)

Pack 6:
Base.. Big Ben, Nash

Pack 7:
All base...

Pack 8
AUTO-FOCUS - Paul Pierce :woot::woot: (1:72 packs!!!)
Pack 3:
Base... KG

Pack 4:
all base..

Pack 5:
All base...

Pack 6:
All base...

Pack 7:
All base.. Kobe

Pack 8: Must be a memorabilia!!!!
Base.. KG & Kobe again!!
VIP ACCESS Jersey - ALLEN IVERSON (1:72!!!!) :D:D

Sweet end... very happy with both those breaks...

Will scan cards and get them up shortly... if not tonight will do tomorrow...

Thanks for watching & all the comments.... PM offers if interested in any...:thumbsup:
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