I just saw Stardust - didn't choose to, but saw it for free cause mate works at Hoyts. if your in the mood for a bit of "romance" it's not too bad a movie.
Just watched The Protector a film by Quentin Tarantino, staring International Martial Arts EXTREME Tony Jaa....
First, if you don't know Jaa, you HAVE to check out Ong Bak (International Martial Arts DEBUT film).
In The Protector, it's based around Jaa, a "Protector" to his Elephant (story has it, when Elephants do Battle for their King, they must have a Protector as their legs are vulnerable to individual attackers). Anyways, Jaa's Elephant and it's father are kidnapped from Thailand, and taken to (where 95% of the film is shot) SYDNEY!
I won't go too much into the story, as it'll take a LOT out of it for you watching it.
If you like Jackie Chan's style, doing his own stunts, thingo, Jaa does all this, + LOTS MORE!
I tell you now, if you love Martial Arts movies, this is for you!
We rented it tonight, we'll be buying it next week!
It is subtitled, but has an English (overdubbed) Soundtrack.
This movie for me, 10/10 no questions!
The fight scenes will leave even the King himself, Bruce Lee speechless!
His Muay Thai skills are amazing.
that movie was directed by Taratino?? huh?
it wasnt. all these movies that Miramax bring out now a days say "presented by quentin tarantino", which people think means "directed" by tarantino. this dude at work thought Hostel was directed by QT, because on the dvd it says "presented" by quentin tarantino. they just slap that statement on dvd cases and movie posters because the name 'quentin tarantino' is a brand name...just putting his name on there will increase ticket/dvd sales a lot.
Just saw Superbad....very very funny.
Saw "3:10 to Yuma" yesterday in in Downtown Toronto at the Scotia Bank Cinema. 14 theatres including an Imax experince theatre. Pretty sweet set-up, you can buy all sorts of food and beverages apart from the usual popcorn and actually take them into the movie with you, like KFC, Taco Bell, Tim Hourtens (coffee etc).
So the movie was pretty good, Russel Crowe stars in this one. It's great to see what they can do with a Western now with the advancements cinema. Some nice gorey stuff, some awesome shootouts that are period correct for the less powerful pistols and extremely short range of a shotgun back then. Nice story too.
Would recommend it! The only bit that got me a little was the ending. 8/10. I want to see the Brad Pitt Western that just came out recently as well to see how well they did that one.
watched SUPER BAD the other night...very very funny, similar to American Pie in a way...i loved it, 8/10