Latest Movie/DVD you've seen, and what would you rate it...

I hired "vacancy" last night. Not a bad film stars Kate Bekinsale and Luke Wilson.

If you like thrillers then this one you should like.

Not bad overal 7/10
Just got home from Melb!

Me and the missus went and seen National Treasure II it opened up today and i must say it was awesome! Not sure if it was better then the first one which i loved also but yeh go check it out guys!!!

just lots of parts where you go "what the hell are you thinking guy thats a stupid move" but then again i wasnt big fan of the first one
The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman...Definitely wasnt a comedy like I thought it was gonna be, but an ok movie. 7/10.
AVP2 isn't that bad.

I would like to do everyone a massive favour and just advise that you all avoid The Invasion with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig like the plague. It is the worst movie I have seen in a long long time, even worse than Spidey 3 and FF4 Silver Surfer.
I recently saw these Movies:
Hitman - 6/10
A country not for old men - 8/10
The Golden Compas - 7/10
Alien v Predator 2 - 5/10
Room 1408 - 8/10
An American Gangster - 8/10

Hoping to see I am Legend VERY soon :)
Why so horrible?

Been waiting to see this one ever since the end of the 1st AVP movie.

Watched American Pie - Beta House last night, very funny.

If you liked Naked Mile, this one you'll love!

Mavs - I though AVP2 was terrible because it had no substance, no storyline and has sort of turned into a Movie like Scream! It felt like it was made & directed by completeley different people to the first AvP.
As you can see above I gave it a 5/10 - At best !
I recently saw these Movies:
Hitman - 6/10
A country not for old men - 8/10
The Golden Compas - 7/10
Alien v Predator 2 - 5/10
Room 1408 - 8/10
An American Gangster - 8/10

Hoping to see I am Legend VERY soon :)

I got it on DVD already lol, I could try and upload it for you if you want.
just got back from watching 'I Am Legend'.

brilliant movie! Will Smith was great, one of my favourite actors.

i give it a 10/10=D>
Well here is a different view on "I Am Legend".
First Half: 9/10
Second Half: 4/10

Had the potential to be an amazing movie but just fell apart about half way through.
I am about to go see I am Legend....I hope it is gonna be awesome.

I see there are some different veiws so i will be sure to let you know what i reckon!! :D
Fracture (Thriller) staring Anthony Hopkins & Ryan Gosling (I think that's his name) oh, and the hot blonde from Doom (Dr Grimm).

Anyways, fantastic movie.

Hopkins finds out his wife is having an affair, kills her, and signs a confession to it. Only thing, she doesnt die, and his confession proves to be void. You'll have to watch to see what I mean.

Absolute snorter of a flic, recommend to any and all!


Also saw Die Hard 4.0. Late watching it, but it's a great movie. Just found that towards the end, it was a little far fetched, I mean the Harrier flying down, and around an over-pass and up thru the middle of it??

Also watched
Shoot Em Up staring Clive Owen, and one hot Monnica Bulluci or something
Another awesome flic. He's an ex-crack shot (can't remember what services he did, but he can damn well shoot).
Gets caught up in the middle of some shit (don't all "heroes").
And has to dispose of a shitload of baddies.

If you like fast paced action, with some comedy, and a bit of sexy, this is for you!

Well i saw I am Legend last night and have to say i liked it!!

Ending was a bit different to what i expected!!

I would say 7/10!!
I Am Legend is an interesting movie. All the previews and trailers are a little bit cryptic, and dont really offer a lot about what the story or plot is. Apparently it is a remake of an old film, which was based on a book, which unbeknownst to me at the time of watching the film, is apparently widely recognised as one of the most influential horror novels of recent times.

Without this knowledge that the book was about monsters or vampire/zombie like creatures, I went into the film thinking it was going to be a bit of an action/disaster movie, really in a similar vein to movies like Independence Day, or Deep Impact. This idea was based on what was shown in the trailers, particularly the action scenes of the city, the planes bombing bridges, and the frantic mob.

This view was not really accurate. I Am Legend is really a horror movie. All of the setup and the story about Robert Neville being the last man on earth is really just a vehicle to provide the horror material. While I did have some preconceived ideas about the plot, I went into the film with quite an open mind. Had I been less open, I would have felt quite misled and ripped off to an extent, because I think the marketing of this movie is inaccurate. It really is just a horror movie.

The most disappointing thing is that the premise of the story - that almost all of the 6 billion humans on the planet are wiped out by a virus that mutated from a supposed cure for cancer - leads to plenty of interesting ideas and issues, but none of these are explored in any detail. The scenes that are shown about the 'past' (which is really set in about 2009, the majority of the film is set in 2012), are really interesting and pose many questions. How did this virus come about? What happened to make things go wrong? How did Robert Neville get through the initial onslaught? How did he set up his fortress? What is happening outside New York? All these issues would be enough to fill a whole movie in itself, and really I Am Legend could be a bit of a sequel, as the makers really leave the audience to assume a whole lot about what happened between the initial disaster and the time we begin following Neville.

The story that is followed, is not really well developed. We follow Neville on his day to day life in the new world, and watch his attempts to find a cure for the virus. We learn that he was a Colonel in the US Army, and had been charged with trying to deal with the problem in its early stages. His efforts to find a cure dont really get much attention, or go into much detail. Again, there is not much attention devoted to Neville's character development either. Really, it is all about the monsters.

While there are some flaws in the story development, and I was disappointed that it was not what I was expecting, the horror scenes are very well done. This movie is scary. And it is scary on a number of levels. It is scary due to the downright, in your face horror of watching Neville being chased by these monsters. But it is also scary due to what I think was the very real way in which it portrayed the world in a situation where things went bad. The film allows you to feel what it would be like if everything went bottoms up in a big way, and it does not leave you with a feeling of optimism. The film uses all the classic horror techniques to keep you on the edge of your seat, and there are plenty of times you will find yourself jumping.

I Am Legend has very impressive sound and visuals. The mutants emit a horrible screaming, groaning sound, and the animation is not too bad. The images of New York deserted and overgrown with weeds are quite spectacular, but some of the CGI of some animals looks a bit cheap.

All in all, I enjoyed the movie despite it not meeting my original expectations. There are so many issues that could have been explored but weren't, which is a bit disappointing, but maybe they could make a prequel to address some of these?

The Good

The horror scenes are really well done, this is a scary movie
Spectacular sound and visuals

The Not-so-good
Disappointing and under-developed plot
Many issues not addressed in detail, or at all
Did not reach potential


6 out of 10 - not a bad film, but did not reach its potential
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