I've been reading a bit about it in the papers and watching the news, about the supposed "armed robbery" by OJ and some "accomplices" who supposedly robbed a couple of memmorabilia dealers of some OJ stuff. But then I read that OJ is saying the stuff was stolen from him in the FIRST place! So if some guy breaks into my house and steals a watch, jacket, pair of jeans, sunnies, etc; then I see him down the road wearing these articles, I can't roll him and take my stuff BACK??? What the hell is that??? It's MY stuff that HE stole, is it even POSSIBLE to steal your own stuff??? I mean, I know people say: just call the cops and wait for them to arrive and arrest the robbers." But what are you gonna do, ask them to sit down and not move while the cops arrive? Hell, for all you know, the cops have probably stopped off for doughnuts, or are pulled over arresting a "dangerous" jay-walker! Cops don't want OJ "holding up" the robbers? Do their damn job in the first place and get the robbers before he has to hear about them at a memmorabilia convention!