Morrow Super Collector
I stand by this. And as a non-biased Melbourne supporter. What could any other club offer him except more money?
Hawthorn will be offering him and his family a future outside football - Hwks have always been big adn have focused more on helping their player sbeyond football. ANd Judd still wants to win and I dunno if that can happen at Melbourne straight away... but they are a strange side in the way they bounce from bad to good season to season.
I can dream of Hawthorn bound but the only vertical stripes Judd will be wearing will be black and white ones.
Perhaps Campbell Brown can tell Judd that he owes him one LMAO
Or if you wanna be a conspiracy theorist.... the Brown incident... some comments Crawf has made in the media... its coy like he knows something is going to happen... a bit like he was with regards to Croady coming back to the Hawks....
but hey I know I am being unrealistic... but its about time something went truly right for Hawthorn...