bas - Thanks man
pennysdaman -
Yeah, this subset was designed great. Love the other parallel of this set too.
nandalinnaung - Thanks bud
Yeah, no Sene's.
Yep, I did bud
adhunt99 - Yeah, he does, he certainly does.
scottsophie - Thanks bud, yeah, loving this sub set.
nenjabin - Thanks
Off the top of my head, I need about a solid 7-9 more I know off.
But we'll have to see, and these things are drying up badly.
Ersk -
Thanks mate
vinceaww -
As shocking as it sounds, yes, no Sene's.
I mean seriously, I can't be picking a Sene everyday? Surely?
Shoes - Thanks
tony -
Well, yes, Sene's are drying up.
But have resulted in picking up some multiples of the ones I really like. So, hopefully some nice ones will arrive. Might have to ramp it up.
But I have taken up my goal chase in Exquisite again, so that will take most of my funds for the next 2-3 months.
Funkadelic - Thanks
Nash13 - Thanks Matt, glad I could share