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While Panini is certainly not my collection's strength I will jump in with a contribution, though not on the level of some of the previous efforts!
Gotta love Walton in a San Diego singlet. Definitely the first team I think of when I think Bill Walton... :ermm:
Gotta admit, I didn’t know he was a Clipper!

UCLA were the legendary Wooden title years, his time with the Blazers were the All-Star MVP years, the brief stint on the Celtics earned him another championshp and the Clippers years were the years lost to injury - 6 or7 years with the Clips and a grand total of 115 games! Makes Grant Hill look like an Iron Man! lol
UCLA were the legendary Wooden title years, his time with the Blazers were the All-Star MVP years, the brief stint on the Celtics earned him another championshp and the Clippers years were the years lost to injury - 6 or7 years with the Clips and a grand total of 115 games! Makes Grant Hill look like an Iron Man! lol

The curse of the Clippers remains undefeated...
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