Just my take. No system is going to be perfect. Select at least have a members program and then announce so everyone has a chance.
Its a limited release specifically targetting collectors. Assume Select sold 1500 to SCC members (1000 members conservatively @ 1.5 box's per) then we are down to 3500 give / take boxes left. Take a 1000 away for retail / break channels (it was probably much more) leaving 2500 - at 2 a piece thats only 1250 customers...
Just saying sometimes its not your day but its not necassarily selects fault - they gave us all a shot at the least. Might be bots out there, but plenty of us still snagged our orders, even with additional captcha's and having to relogin (which I think is part of the process to trying to impact the bots.. hence why it happens and and did happen to me).
Not a select fan boy, but I give them credit where its due. If you think about what Panini does with the basketball community, comparitively Select look like Margo Robbie in Wolf of Wall Street.
*numbers and maths just a guess. Don't hang me