10 Prizm blasters and 10 NFL optic blastersWhat did you end up getting?
I've been selling my 2020/21 blasters for 125/135I have been watching a 2020-21 Prizm blaster on ebay (just out of interest with no intent on buying) which is currently at $75usd with 15 hours to go.
I always thought NFL was cheaper than NBA but now it's the same price? Is that a recent thing?
These are still available at Zing if anybody wants them! Funny there is no guaranteed mem or auto per box. hmmmm
Absolutely.Same as NFL I believe?
I have a feeling this year's Prizm retail is going to be a massive flop if NFL is anything to go by!
Used to be 1 Mem per box and 2 autos per case.
Now just 2 autos i guess per case.
Absolutely!Those "not associated with any player" mem cards are rubbish anyway. I'm happy to do without them.
I ordered a couple just so I can whinge about how s*** they are when I open them though
Do i open 10 blasters or my hobby box
Decisions decisions
Open the Hobby and get some money back on the blasters?
Open the Hobby and get some money back on the blasters?
You're going to likely lose money opening either. At least the hobby has a high potential ceiling