Hook line and sinker! Ha ha ! I'm pissed off that I have personally have been essentially forced out of the hobby by the greed of the production line of parallel and sheer volume of subset crap that has been dished out over the past few years. Nothing personal against you or any other member on this site who have ben great to me over the years. I feel at this point in why life I have seen the light and in my opinion it's all downhill. I personally wished I could afford to keep up the hobby but the corporate greed has caught up with me. i truly wish you all the best in your collecting in the years ahead but i feel given all the investment I have put in over the years I have right to express my opinion. Just hope that some of the negative feedback I have issued falls on the ears of those that have input in what is dished out to the market place.
Vic, you have expressed the feeling's that I have to a tee, I have collected cards for 49 years, as you get older you start to think about superannuation, bills etc.
the cost of living and how old we are at present, then it bites you, shit am I going to get anything back on my investment in 5 years 10 years etc.
Even if we love it as a hobby, a lot of factors come in to play, even a team collector is up for at least 60% more then 6 years ago.
The manufacturers are not the ones to blame for this, they are a business, they have to make serious coin to survive.
It is us the collectors for buying the product, the more we buy the more they make.
This is why select done it for so long, they did not over produce, they produce AFL as well, so any moneys get distributed over a wider scale of product.
the collector can afford to chase cards for a little bit longer between releases, without having to rush in and get what they want before another release is offered.
Who know's what the answer is, no one.
Maybe they should stop making cards for 2 years, so the market can catch up.
I for one love cards, but for a collector it has got way to dear, imo.