1987 Scalens


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Hey ladies and gents,
I purchased some cards to slowly tidy up my older card collection and got some great condition cards from 1987 however they looked like they may have been cut wrongly. I read long back that it happen to a few sets by scalens. Anyone in the know recall this ??

It wasn't uncommon to get Scanlens cards that weren't centred properly.

The thing to make sure of is that they are the right size and haven't been trimmed, although I would say that may be uncommon with the 1987 set.

Images being off centre for the 86/87 series is pretty common. These ones look OK.

Interestingly, there are 2 types of card material and purple colouring for the 87 series. Some cards are harder/stiffer and darker (plus a bit shinier) than others.

Hey ladies and gents,
I purchased some cards to slowly tidy up my older card collection and got some great condition cards from 1987 however they looked like they may have been cut wrongly. I read long back that it happen to a few sets by scalens. Anyone in the know recall this ??

got any spares Matt.
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