Speaking of domestic matters, I see that three of the traditional grounds - the MCG, the SCG and Adelaide Oval - will not be available to host the Sheffield Shield final this season due to football commitments. New South Wales are yet to nominate their preferred venue.
The list of nominated venues is:
NSW - To be confirmed
QLD - Gabba
SA - Gliderol Stadium, Glenelg
TAS - Blundstone Arena
VIC - Traeger Park, Alice Springs
In my view, this season will see the last Sheffield Shield Final. In an even home and away fixture, first past the post should be good enough to determine a winner anyway. If the BBL expands and the Matador One Day series remains part of the schedule, the issue regarding venues will keep arising - it is nonsensical that CA would allow Victoria to HOST a home final in Alice Springs! There are still four rounds of the Sheffield Shield to be played, with a ten-day gap between games (and eleven before the final) pushing the decider out to 26-30 March.
On another matter, the TV commentary team covering the New Zealand vs Australia Test series possess a rather peculiar affliction - they actually talk about the bloody cricket!
That said, it would be wrong of me not to share this meme - courtesy of
"Trail by over 300 on the first innings....oh you'd better BELIEVE that's a paddlin'!"