
Amy WA

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Hi guys,

I have a few cards i am wanting to get rid of but not sure if they are even worth anything? Just after some advice really.
NRL ones i have are series 1 1995, 1993 Regina NSWRL and 2012 Select. There are quite a few in each so can go through and list which ones in each for anyone interested.
Hi Amy,

Assuming they are only base/"common" cards in good condition, I'd estimate ballpark prices at around:

1995 S1/S2 cards: 10-30cents (full 220 card sets can generally be found for under $50),
1993: $0.50-$1.00 (big name players a bit more, full sets sell in the $50-100 range) and
2012: Select Champions 5-20cents each or 2012 Dynasty 5-30cents each (full sets of each are in the $5-15 range).

For market price, I'd suggest putting separate bulk year lots on eBay.

Inserts are a different story.

Ok thanks for your help! I was never really a 'proper' collector so obviously didnt know what i was doing, but still hoped i had something good in there. :-)
Ok thanks for your help! I was never really a 'proper' collector so obviously didnt know what i was doing, but still hoped i had something good in there. :)

You may still do if you have any of the inserts!

Dave, speaking of #036, I found a 2013 Elite #036 hiding in my spares the other day.
Have a look at your checklists, they should tell you what is a 'common' card from the base set compared to a 'sub set' insert card.
Ummmm... what are checklists. I dont have any...

If you don't have any check lists go on line to find them, I think a couple of Ozcard traders have links, Owen the Knights fan who produces a guide has something (Ooneill?)or contact the manufacturer's site for the list.
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