I was talking to slmeone today and they are sending a link to this page to select so hopefully they read and wake up to themselves.
I'd say there already watching this thread. The way I see It, and correct me
If you think I'm wrong is that we are a noisey minority and they don't really care what we think.
They know they will sell out, its all about the bottom line.
I've never really complained about Select as I truly have some amazing
cards from them in my collection.
I definitely think they have dropped the ball this year and am filthy on missing out again on medal redemption cards.
Let's hope so.200+ replies and almost 7000 views, I think this thread is capable of gathering some real steam.
I don't think Select do themselves any favours with their lack of prescence in the card collecting community. Yes, there is a Facebook page but numerous posts go unanswered unless they are overly-positive and I can only recall one Q&A AFL-related session on their Facebook page.
I can see why the prevailing view amongst a lot of you is "hear nothing for six months.....get an ordinary series one....hear nothing for 3 months.....get an ordinary series 2.....wash, rinse, repeat".
This is why I take my hat off to poor Moe from COMC, who gets battered pillar to post yet fronts up here and answers questions helpfully and politely.
I messaged select, all I wanted to know is there any case cards not that hard to respond yes or no
Select are reading this thread and doing this....
Not likely!
Case cards are always kept secret until the day of release I think.
Well the reason I ask is it could sway me on weather I buy a case or not especially if there is case card sigs
Well the reason I ask is it could sway me on weather I buy a case or not especially if there is case card sigs