Eagles Collector & AFL Connoisseur
Hi @Steve Wang , as one of the moderators here on the site, I welcome you and want to say thank you for clarifying your point of view. I would encourage you to do this more often as this is a great platform for you to share information across some 7,000 + members, some of which are customers of yours or could be potentially be customers of yours in the future.
This forum is a place for passionate collectors to come and share their views like you have done today. I understand you are speaking in an individual capacity, but if there has been similar bashing of previous Select products, what has tempted you to come and share your thoughts with us this time round?
Surely hearing a lot of negative feedback about this product would raise some level of concern with you?
I want to go through a couple of your points with may never read these or acknowledge these comments but ill say them anyway.
1) I agree that Select release products at their discretion based on their own schedules, and you are right, if you don't like a product don't buy it. However is there a point in time where Select may take the opportunity to listen to collectors, the same collectors who are their customers as to what it is that they actually want to collect and purchase?
If I were making a product that people weren't interested in and hearing this from my customer base, wouldn't it be business 101 to find out what it is your customers are actually interested in collecting? Should it be the case Select that should adjust itself not the customer?
This seems like a very arrogant approach, you get what we give you.
3) The issue with people discussing criticism here on our boards in large part is due to Select not listening to what it is the customer wants. The overriding frustration collectors have is that Select has an exclusive licence, they make what they want not what the customers want.
I would bet you that if it were a non exclusive agreement, Select would struggle greatly to sell the releases they put out and would then have to listen to their customers and adjust their products to remain profitable?
6) Could it be said that JHL holds back stock initially to create the demand for this product?
Then stock is slowly released to resellers?
8) Select has released some amazing cards over the years, they have also failed to keep up with other manufacturers in terms of technology and progressing their designs. Again, if Select was open to taking on feedback from its customers and incorporating even 10% into its new products then a lot of these criticisms would disappear.
Look at ESP in the NRL, in the time they have released their products, they have improved their offering greatly and I have no doubt that 2014 NRL Elite will be a huge success.........and the reason for this? They listen to their customer base and give them what they want.
9) Totally agree, but again people are passionate about their hobbies....I am, and I hate seeing release after release look the same as the year before. Champions 2014 looks identical to Champions 2013.
Select have an amazing opportunity to create some cutting edge cards in the Australian you know what is stopping them from creating more game worn jersey cards, multi sig cards other concepts? To a lot of people this almost seems like its just too much hard work for Select.
Finally, you are right, people will vent (like I have) as they are allowed to, as its a forum here and people are entitled to have their say.
I understand that you may not come back and read this as you are busy serving your customers.....but if this release was as strong as the previous Select releases, I highly doubt you would come here and put your point across like you have.
Surely you must see that people (collectors and potential customers of yours) aren't happy with whats being offered this time round?
Matt, thankyou.
It means a great deal when the mods of this site stand up for us.
You have raised some of our concerns and questions, the ones that more often than not are ignored by Select.
I appreciate that the mods know "we" are upset and support us in expressing how we feel.
No censorship here.
Love live OzCardtrader.