Players who missed their chance...

In the car with Ben was Glen Liddiard and Luke Goodwin, whose careers went nowhere fast after that tragedy. Goodwin had a stint at dogs and Liddiard slumped it at Reds.

Matthew Reick was another Panther who had promise but went to Sharks and swiftly disappeared.
Leon Bott - Broncos rookie of the year in 2005. Sensationally scored a corker against the Roosters if I remember correctly.

Another in the same era was Tame Tupou who was at the Broncos.

And Denan Kemp was a Bronco, then a Warrior, a Bronco, a Saint and a Bronco again. With a bit of Rugby Union too.

At Souths there was a big bloke with huge raps called Manase Manuikafoa. Nice bloke, ended up at Nth Qld. Souths members used to joke: 'looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane'. Monster size but didn't live up to the potential.

Another was Eddy Pettybourne. A real goer. Regrettably left Maguire's Rabbitohs to go to the Tigers for the money, and was released half way through the season to go to the UK.
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Brett Papworth.

Big signing for Easts from Wallabies. Always broken.

I think Toyota even did a gag ad for Hilux, or some such, back in the early 1990's:

Toyota Hilux : So Tough even Brett Papworth can't break it!!
Jason Bulgarelli, killed it in Q Cup and played 27 games for Canberra in 03/04. He dropped the ball over the line in a semi v NZ in 2003 which would have put Canberra into the GF qualifier. He a really hard hitter in defence and ran great lines but just loved his party drugs too much.

The two Macca's (Mclinden & McFadden). Both ended up playing plenty of games in the NRL, Mclinden then played year in the ESL and finished at the QLD Reds. Neither ever really hit their full potential though.

Lesley Vainikolo killed it in the NRL for a while (35 tries in 60 odd games for Canberra and 14 in 12 games for NZ) but went to the ESL aged only 23.

Justin Carney burst onto the scene with Canberra until he badly broke his leg, was quite horrible to watch. I think he had a small stinit at the Roosters and is now in ESL but gees he looked the goods when he came from Toyota Cup in 2008. I remember him returning to the Toyota Cup for a final after having played NRL and it was seriously a man v boys.
In the car with Ben was Glen Liddiard and Luke Goodwin, whose careers went nowhere fast after that tragedy. Goodwin had a stint at dogs and Liddiard slumped it at Reds.

I was at the game on the day Ben Alexander died and he tore it up in reserves and was called up as a bench player for first grade.

12 hours later he was dead in the car accident. I spoke to a teammate of his many years later who said some interesting things about the lead up to the accident and how it tore the club apart afterwards. Luke Goodwin was never the same after it.

Also heard a few murmurs of some off field issues with Ben at the time.

Very sad time at the panthers during that time. I doubt he would have ever amounted to a regular first grader but he had his moments.

What about Richard Villasanti?

Was killing it - made it on a Kangaroo's tour where he stole money from the other players and for whatever reason was never the same player.
What about Richard Villasanti?

Was killing it - made it on a Kangaroo's tour where he stole money from the other players and for whatever reason was never the same player.

Don't know him but think he enjoys life like a lot of us. Seen him at a few Leichardt games.

His knees are shot from playing footy!
I was at the game on the day Ben Alexander died and he tore it up in reserves and was called up as a bench player for first grade.

12 hours later he was dead in the car accident. I spoke to a teammate of his many years later who said some interesting things about the lead up to the accident and how it tore the club apart afterwards. Luke Goodwin was never the same after it.

Also heard a few murmurs of some off field issues with Ben at the time.

Very sad time at the panthers during that time. I doubt he would have ever amounted to a regular first grader but he had his moments.


I was on the Greek Islands when it happened, a week or two/three later GAlexander and MGeyer turned up, to get away from the media.....
Jason Bulgarelli, killed it in Q Cup and played 27 games for Canberra in 03/04. He dropped the ball over the line in a semi v NZ in 2003 which would have put Canberra into the GF qualifier. He a really hard hitter in defence and ran great lines but just loved his party drugs too much.

The two Macca's (Mclinden & McFadden). Both ended up playing plenty of games in the NRL, Mclinden then played year in the ESL and finished at the QLD Reds. Neither ever really hit their full potential though.

Lesley Vainikolo killed it in the NRL for a while (35 tries in 60 odd games for Canberra and 14 in 12 games for NZ) but went to the ESL aged only 23.

Justin Carney burst onto the scene with Canberra until he badly broke his leg, was quite horrible to watch. I think he had a small stinit at the Roosters and is now in ESL but gees he looked the goods when he came from Toyota Cup in 2008. I remember him returning to the Toyota Cup for a final after having played NRL and it was seriously a man v boys.

Jason Bulgarelli was possibly the worst regular first grader I've seen in my life. Could never understand how he made the Canberra side ... and then he botched the most simple try ever and cost them a grand final qualifier. Then got busted for dealing drugs. I'd put him down as pretty darn lucky to get as far as he did! :lol:
I watched a fair bit of Bulgarelli at QCup level and thought he was solid. He hit hard in defence and ran a good line. That 03 season was one of the best Canberra had in a long time and he was fairly consistent member so he can't have been that bad.
Good thread...what about Yow Yeh he'd probably qualify.

I remember reading about his Uncle as well who Artie Beetson claimed could have been anything as well.

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