The card a month ago was selling for 500 - 600, and of recent the only high priced one was a BGS 9.5. So I wouldn't read too much into the sale prices to be completely honest. As you know and said yourself, immac prices are tumbling. Let the thief hold onto a card that may be worth 1/10 of what it is now when they decide to let it surface. I am positive, and would bet a large amount on it, that cherry compensated you well more than the 500 the card was retailing for, and that's just because I know the two of them, I hold them in the highest integrity. Like you said, I don't think the thief would be dumb enough to let the card go now, especially after this thread lol, they might fear for their lives haha. You did well providing all the info you could on it, especially the numbering - I missed the video and couldn't see it on the pic. Karma always gets liars and what is owed to them, stress less my friend, life is short and justice will prevail

Enjoy the hobby and don't let one bad apple sour it for you!