well, i don't think it's totally true.. i like many cards.. and i can't have all the cards in the world, i would say nice card, just two words, but i mean it when i say it.. nobody would just try to make him/herself to be perceived as nice, even if they are posting "nice cards, mate".,.. if someone is true jackA$$, even they say "nice cards mate" in every single mailday, he will be considered jackA$$ that will remain the same..
i definitely think people will not type a thing, if there's no effort.. which is considered true beacuse 28 replies on 278 views on AJ's 24 UD Black maildays.. which means there are merely 10% who had interest and gave certain efforts, and i am sure half of them are "guests' who didn't even bother to register here. So, i think "nice cards mate" 10% should be appreciated..
Contribution, not the meaning itself, has many directions, what Scotty thought is not what i thought, but i don't discard what his thoughts are, so are the rest of the people talking about this topic...
I embrace people posting maildays.. people saying comments about maildays... or even arguing, that's what the forum is all about, we share the common interest and we enjoy the community... to be honest, if i discuss something, those over 3000 posts will be actively there to answer or discuss, i don't consider them post whores, i consider them core of the community..
personally i dislike the stock standard "nice cards mate" reply to a mailday. it requires no thought, no effort, and indicates no real interest in your cards. its like the person wants to be known as the nice guy who always comments on other's maildays, but what is the point? I agree there are some people who post cards just cause theyre expensive, i dont disapprove of it though.