Went to als recently, found the old bloke to be a bit rude, bought a few packs in the store after being pretty much neglected the day before when he had a few customers. So after that, went back a second day and bought 3 packs of afl infinity. but couldn't stay and bust the packs in the shop as me and the missus were running late for an appointment.
Busted a coll premiership card and rang up to see if he'd accept the card + cash as a discount for a geelong dps. He said he would. I was still willing to pay mostly $$ for the dps, and give him the collingwood card for virtually free/small discount.
He was pretty short on the phone - not great in the customer service department. Then when asked if he could tell me how much the guthrie dps was, he didn't tell me. And then I asked if he could give me an indicative price of how much id have to give on top of the collingwood 1929 premiership commemorative card for the guthrie dps. Told him my card was 32/400, just busted, nr mint condition and that he could inspect before accepting the deal... but I was just after a rough price of how much the difference would be and he wouldn't tell me until I came into the store.
I then asked if he could give me a rough % of how much id save using the collingwood card as a discount (I.e. 5%, 10%), to which I was told "look mate, just bring it in and we'll see if we want to do it"
Considering he said earlier in the convo that he'd happily do it, all I wanted was a rough guide as to what id be hit for cash-wise on top of the card.
But obviously I was being completely unreasonable and the phone call ended rather shortly.
Basically, I was staying 50 mins from the city with a friend, and just wanted to know if it was worth making the long trip back in to made the deal.
After everything, decided FU - I have since sold the card I had on here, and brought a smedts dps off ebay. I would've been giving the shop a great deal by giving a card worth $30 for a $5-$10 discount whilst giving $50 odd in cash.
Its not much, but thought I was doing the local business a favour. In the end, got a better deal dealing with a dude on here and a random on ebay.
Customer service goes a long way in hobby shops. Will not be going to als ever again, no point supporting people who treat their customers like sh!t.
Thanks for nothing al or len or whoever you were ya miserable old loser.
Makes me thankful for cardzone, who despite high prices, steve is great in customer service and I'll continue to support his shop.
Have no time for loser shop owners, and as such - will never spend another cent in als card shop.