Now Perth has a New Card shop - 0400784795 Gosnells

Shane, the majority of Al's stock is Celtics stuff so it's mostly worthless... speaking of which imagine if "The Truth" experienced what terry went through :P I can picture 911, wheelchairs, medics, surgeons, priests, exorcists...and remarkable recovery

After today's result it's hard to argue!!!
Wow amazing story Terry. Regardless of what some of the other's experiences have been, this is what has happened to you and I hope people stop trying to defend this guy. You are merely stating your experience with him and that YOU would not go back to the shop. To the ones who have had "good" experiences: just because yours was good doesn't make this incident any less bad! This is plain awful, and just a horrible attitude on his half. Sorry Len, customers have every right to ask and not buy and don't need your chitty attitude. After all, if you got abused by the salesperson from Harvey Norman for asking how much the plasma was and asking for a discount, you bloody well wouldn't be taking your business there, and neither would I. Rest in peace Len.

Why shouldn't we defend him if we have had good experiences with him? After all, he's not here to defend himself is he?
It's easy to tell how a situation went when you are the only side of the story being heard, who is to say it even went down like that.

I am not saying it didn't but only one side of the story has been told.
Why shouldn't we defend him if we have had good experiences with him? After all, he's not here to defend himself is he?
It's easy to tell how a situation went when you are the only side of the story being heard, who is to say it even went down like that.

I am not saying it didn't but only one side of the story has been told.

There is no defense for that behaviour, it's that simple!!!!!

Yes, he might be a great guy most of the time, but that doesn't excuse for what he has been alleged to have done.

Why don't you or someone that knows him well ask him?
While I can understand his frustration with collectors (Exactly why I could never own a card shop). The guy is a complete d*ck I bought some cards off ebay and never saw that it had 3 day payment terms. He sent me a barrage of abuse when I did not pay within the 3 days I paid on the 4th day. Now he has blocked me from bidding on his items. Not to mention a rookie card he sent me was wrong. When he re sent he sent the dps instead of the rookie card I would usually send back but after his abuse I thought u can get f'd buddy
I worked in 2 different card shops over a couple of years. I used to get lots of people coming in wanting to chat about whatever it was that they were into (ie Baseball cards, gaming cards etc). Part of the job is listening to people and talking with them and encouraging them in their hobby.
I think the problem is that thanks to the internet, most people can buy the cards/boxes/packs at the same price as the card shops. The people working in/owning the card shops have got a hard job ahead of them, due to this fact.
It is this simple !!! Anyone who has had face to face dealings with him would know that you have to take him with a pinch of Salt as he can be quite blunt at times. What I posted regarding what happened to me did actually happen and the way Len treated me was also done in front of another customer or perhaps friend (he has cameras in his shop which will show what I am saying is true) . If you want to praise his customer service, why don't you post up a thread saying so :)
It is this simple !!! Anyone who has had face to face dealings with him would know that you have to take him with a pinch of Salt as he can be quite blunt at times. What I posted regarding what happened to me did actually happen and the way Len treated me was also done in front of another customer or perhaps friend (he has cameras in his shop which will show what I am saying is true) . If you want to praise his customer service, why don't you post up a thread saying so :)

Great idea, here's a link: ;)
dam y u have to live in perth, i was thinking bout daring my friend to ask him what the price of a card was and not buying it :D
Another Great thing that Len likes to do ! The last time someone held a trade day at Al's card shop he was promoting 50% off every NBA single card. The funny thing was that he put all the good cards away on the trade day. Sorry but any shop owner that does that is just dodgy no matter how you look at it. The card I am talking about in particular is a bill russell SGC graded auto card which some of you might have seen on your visits to the shop ....
wow.. that is over the top

for a business that is supported by such a small and "tight knit" community, its amazing that he would treat a customer like that

might as well close up shop
Wow what a thread!

Terry that is bad customer service that you received and you should not have to put up with that.
Len really should of handled his emotions better that day and not take it out on a valued customer as yourself who have spent $$$$ there before.

I haven't visit Als for some time now due to the strength of our Aussie Dollar and finding online prices much cheaper.
Wow what a thread!

Terry that is bad customer service that you received and you should not have to put up with that.
Len really should of handled his emotions better that day and not take it out on a valued customer as yourself who have spent $$$$ there before.

I haven't visit Als for some time now due to the strength of our Aussie Dollar and finding online prices much cheaper.

It still blows me away reliving this event ! I would say the key word to why you don't go to al's cards anymore is "finding online prices much cheaper" ;)
Despite this being dead for a while, I wanted to have my 2 cents.

Len's always been a bit 50/50 in my books. I've had both good dealings with him and bad dealings with him. Simply put, Len is happy if Len is getting his way.

A good example of this is the first post of this thread. Another is of my own personal experience.

When World of WarCraft first started out in this state, I was running the Hobby Leagues on his behalf. Now, my primary game was, and still is, Yu-Gi-Oh, but like many people, I got the certifications from UDE (who had the liscence until last year) for WoW TCG. I was asked by another crew to judge a Yu-Gi-Oh event for them on a weekend when a Hobby League was to be run. I asked another guy who had the WoW TCG certifications to run the League that week and the reason why. My mistake -- saying it within Lens hearing range. I was dropped permanantly from running the Hobby League. The numbers dropped after that due to people not liking the other guy. I never promised to run events exclusively for Al's, or that I would put them "on top of the list" so to speak. I was, and still am good friends with the crew who asked me to run the Yu-Gi-Oh event. And, yes, I was being paid to run the League, if I was the one running it that weekend. To end, WoW TCG is dead as far as tournaments are concerned in this state. Would it be different if I weren't dropped?? Who knows. Maybe it wouldn't be.

But I have since that incident been in many times to Al's Card Shop and have bought things. If I need to do so again, I will return there, but given I run my own Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments now, I doubt I will for much Yu-Gi-Oh related.
Despite this being dead for a while, I wanted to have my 2 cents.

Len's always been a bit 50/50 in my books. I've had both good dealings with him and bad dealings with him. Simply put, Len is happy if Len is getting his way.

A good example of this is the first post of this thread. Another is of my own personal experience.

When World of WarCraft first started out in this state, I was running the Hobby Leagues on his behalf. Now, my primary game was, and still is, Yu-Gi-Oh, but like many people, I got the certifications from UDE (who had the liscence until last year) for WoW TCG. I was asked by another crew to judge a Yu-Gi-Oh event for them on a weekend when a Hobby League was to be run. I asked another guy who had the WoW TCG certifications to run the League that week and the reason why. My mistake -- saying it within Lens hearing range. I was dropped permanantly from running the Hobby League. The numbers dropped after that due to people not liking the other guy. I never promised to run events exclusively for Al's, or that I would put them "on top of the list" so to speak. I was, and still am good friends with the crew who asked me to run the Yu-Gi-Oh event. And, yes, I was being paid to run the League, if I was the one running it that weekend. To end, WoW TCG is dead as far as tournaments are concerned in this state. Would it be different if I weren't dropped?? Who knows. Maybe it wouldn't be.

But I have since that incident been in many times to Al's Card Shop and have bought things. If I need to do so again, I will return there, but given I run my own Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments now, I doubt I will for much Yu-Gi-Oh related.

Sorry to hear the way you were just discarded like that. His way with people is maybe funny in a movie starring Clint eastwood but its not very productive when in the hobby game. Can't wait to read the next pleasant experience from Al's card shop. Love your work Len ! just because you hate the hobby does not mean you need to wreck it for everyone because of your arrogance !!!
Just got an update from a local collector I know. Apparently Len is selling some NBA stuff on consignment and one card is valued at just $200usd maybe selling for the $300 mark lately but you can nab it now from Al's cards for a couple of grand +

Love to hear more about what cards and prices he is ripping collectors off with if someone has more details they can share
Thanks for the heads up about this shop Terry :thumbsup:

I was thinking of buying some hobby boxes from this guy, but I guess I will steer clear of this business.

I dont know how you restrained yourself mate, I would of given him a very intense lecture :swear:

Have you ever bought from Just Cards in Wanneroo mate?


i was thinking of heading into al's card shop a while back but never got around to it. and probably won't even bother now.

i've been getting all of my stuff from Just Cards at the wanneroo markets and couldn't be happier.
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