Anyone got any old bank notes?

Keep this under your von Dutch but if you find $50 notes that have a serial number starting with vg, you may have a small fortune..... Condition sensitive tho.
VG95 is the last prefix of the first series of the new polymer notes ;) Here are my really old notes, shame I only have 2 and it's funny you posted this as I've been thinking about cards for coins as I'm getting more into coins again but that can change in a blink :lol:

its all about the year and condition as well.... Some collectors that collect bank notes will not pay anywhere near that $20000AU unless there all perfect mint examples as well.... My uncle has almost every Aus note and coin except for the 1930 penny which sells for more than most new cars in todays market....
the VG are polly notes Brett (A_lverson_l) :)

Yes your right Steven But there are a lot of things that matter with both coins and notes and being first or last prefix or star or test or specimen note just to start then you have radar number etc, so just like our cards there's a fair bit involved ;)

Now Mr P..Brett..mate ;) I am interested in the notes but very interested in these coins as they're my main interest, so if you've got a list or worked out a price could you send it too me please or shoot me a price for everything as I'm pretty keen and I might save you some trouble listing..thanks mate :thumbsup:

And anyone else got any old coins they want to get rid of please message me, thanks.

Sorry for crashing your post Matthew :oops:
Hi Jayson, crash as much as you like. I think its good to see that there are a few on OCT that also find old money an interesting hobby. I've got a heap of old coins passed down from my wifes grandfather who recently passed:( . I'll put together a list and send it to you and see if anything interest you.
Sorry to hear mate, my condolences on your loss :(

Yeah it's good collecting all sorts of things but I go a little too far and I collect pretty much anything and everything and I really like old stuff, a little part of our history..I have old tools and all sorts of stuff :) And constantly being told I'm a hoarer but I say collector..when I run out of room I'll class my self as a hoader, but till then :lol:

Yes please, a list would be good and I can tell you what you have..besides money :D As I can tell you right now that some old coins get good money and one of the rarest is a 34/35 florin with only 750K have a look at the bay and this is the one I'm missing from my type set :( But one day I'll get one :thumbsup: here's a pic of my set so far, but it needs upgrades. And another thing that I've collected for years but didn't know until recently that they're worth a bit are cowrie shells and the black one's are worth more apparently..sorry for the usless trivia


My parents must have about 5kg worth of cowrie shells, used to find them on the beach across from their house everywhere, now you have trouble finding one...maybe they took them all lol
I used to work at CBA and i would hate to think how many of these notes that may have been very valuable that we got and sent back to the Reserve Bank to be destroyed.

You would be surprised how much walked through the door.
My old man has been collecting coins, notes and stamps from the day he arrived in this country in the 60's, will show him the link, see if he has any of these....
My parents must have about 5kg worth of cowrie shells, used to find them on the beach across from their house everywhere, now you have trouble finding one...maybe they took them all lol

:eek: so that's where all the cowrie's went..I think I'm little way off 5kg :rofl:

I used to work at CBA and i would hate to think how many of these notes that may have been very valuable that we got and sent back to the Reserve Bank to be destroyed.

You would be surprised how much walked through the door.

If your in the city you have more of a chance of finding something at the bank, I've only been able to get $10 worth of 1 & 2 cents at face value and I can alway take them back but no notes but I know of people that are still picking them up here and there. But yeah to think how much they've destroyed :cry:

My old man has been collecting coins, notes and stamps from the day he arrived in this country in the 60's, will show him the link, see if he has any of these....

He might have a few as decimal started in 66 and that's the only year that the 50 cent is round and had 80% silver so they're worth holding on to and mate he'd have an awesome stamp collection collecting for that long :thumbsup:
The reason these notes are so expensive is because of the STAR. If a sheet of damaged/misprinted notes are discovered before the cutting process, it is replaced with a sheet of stars.
He might have a few as decimal started in 66 and that's the only year that the 50 cent is round and had 80% silver so they're worth holding on to and mate he'd have an awesome stamp collection collecting for that long :thumbsup:

My mate was sorting through his grans place after she passed away and found a money box containing 150 of those round 50c coins + a heap of old bank notes and stamp books from the early 1900's.

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