I'm with the train of thought that this is a bit of an ad-hoc 'gap filler' for ESP, though with some effort in terms of securing sigs and patches. Has the feel of a 'series 3' like Dynamic used to do - but with way better inserts.
I like the concept of the six captain sigs from various rep teams, and it is nice to see Origin related trading cards again.
May change once the cards are in hand, but going from this ad, I'm drinking GIRDS' kool aid on the designs. There just doesn't seem to be a concept beyond 'clearcut the players in front of stainless steel texture'. If you are going to go the photoshop route on card design, at least incorporate elements of the game - ie, baseball - shape of the diamond etc. By the looks of these cards, the player should be playing Speedball II not rugby league.
Sellsheet will give better indication of what we're dealing with.