So just read through this whole thread. I must say I have always thought card zone was rip off and this confirms it. It's a shame as it is so close to my work and very convenient.
So he is the sole distributor of Select in Australia? That's a joke, do select know about his disgusting anti-competitive business practices? No wonder you don't see the cards around as much if he is basically killing the wholesale market by forcing you to buy thousands of dollars worth of stuff you cant sell just so you can buy new stuff. Is that kind of behaviour even legal? Lets dob him in to the ACCC.
Where else can you go to get AFL card boxes retail online? I want to get series 2 in August but not from him.
Daniel, me thinks we need to keep one thing in perspective, Cardzone (about whom this thread is targeted) is NOT the distributor of Select's product. The owner of Cardzone, Mr Steve Wang is also the owner of JHL who is the Australian Distributor. So Cardzone does not set the wholesale price.
As such, Steve can sell his product in Cardzone for whatever price he wants and I know that 9.5 times out of 10 he is right on the money.
Its interesting that everyone is pointing the finger at Steve for keeping prices high in his shop but that is his right as a businessman. A lot of members on this forum have indicated that he is manipulating the market, well I will put it out there that ooneil is doing the same thing.
Owen has appointed himself the No 1 authority on trading cards in Australia, how do we know this, because I asked him and he said he appointed himself. It is my opinion that he has deflated prices in his ASCC Magazine so he can buy low. Why do I think this because in the first issue of the magazine, 2008 Centenary foiled signatures were valued, by Owen, at only 10 dollars each from memory, however, nowhere on eBay could you find those cards at that price; I say eBay because that is where Owen looked towards for his market research. know what I think, members such as those who are winging and bitching on this forum are just jealous that Steve has survived what near 30 years in the Australian Trading Card and before Owen or anyone thinks of looking towards the ACCC I will ask the editor of the ASCC, what is your ABN for your ASCC Magazine, I searched the ABN Register and could not find anything close..............hmmmmmm
Let the free for all begin..........
Oh and Owen, I will be coming down to Newcastle in August, if there is anything you want me to repeat face to face then not a problem my friend.