Cardzone, what a joke

It will never die, NRL Cards will be around for as long as the game is played.
You are right about todays kids, 90% of them don't collect NRL cards because, One , the cost involved to compleate the whole collection each year and , two, distractions like Ben Ten, Trashies and all the other
toys out there to collect.
But us serious collectors and NRL lovers these days make up for that 90% of kids that don't collect cards.
i hate cardzone, his over priced big time and he thinks 2012 draft prospects are waste of money thats y he doesnt stock them! "will you be selling 2012 draft prospects?" "no way, to expensive and waste of money"
i hate cardzone, his over priced big time and he thinks 2012 draft prospects are waste of money thats y he doesnt stock them! "will you be selling 2012 draft prospects?" "no way, to expensive and waste of money"
This Guy sounds like he has poor business skills with a S#*t load of money, if he spoke to customers in a way not to offend, I'm sure he would sell a lot more cards,
I feel sorry for his family members that are helping him, as he would have the final say.
As you can see his response when you asked him about the 2012 draft prospects, it was all about money and not the intrest of the customer or the cards.
" This is Sad"
If you specialise in cards, especially afl/nrl.. they would have every range of these cards possible, and 2012 draft prospects i would say were the biggest thing to hit the collectors this year (personal opinion), and the way he smurked at me when i asked if he had any, honestly turned me off his shop and, myself and my brother etc will not go there again, his a waste of time and end of the day, he can have all the money in the world to buy all the cards he wants for his PC and for all the customers to look at his shop full of his own collection i guess, he might aswell turn it into a museum because 80% of his boxes and stock are $20+ than everywhere else. this is my own opinion and its sad because he is 1 of only few sports card shops in victoria, and definitely the biggest in the CBD, but his expensive and veru unhelpful.
In fairness, he wouldn't consider stocking draft prospects due to it not being produced by Select, and his business relationship with Select.

He does maintain that he doesn't buy/trade cards with anyone, which is untruthful, having witnessed a deal been done in his shop while I was there.

I'm indifferent towards Cardzone. I don't like nor dislike them, but feel that since he isn't a collector like many on here, this impacts on his ability to relate and communicate with customers.
Hay I don't like nor dislike Cardzone either, but you don’t have to be a collector to relate and communicate with customers, this is just poor business skills and the show of power, he needs to go to tafe and learn about buissiness if he wants to see his success earlier, when people run business the first thing they teach you is to know your product and know it well, second they teach you is look after your customers and look after them well.
He may be one of the sole wholesaler on NRL Cards but not at wholesale prices, This man may be slow and expensive now but in the future I think he will be fast and rich since he is pumping $1000 's of dollars in his shop, he knows that all his NRL cards are going to be sold sooner or later and will never loose any money.

Sorry Andy your post makes no sense, I am not sure what point you are trying to make.
Its outrageous. He has abused his monopoly power to keep other compeditors out of the market, in this case Mr P.

Great for him. Bad for the hobby.

Owen, how has he abused his 'power'...........this thread is about Cardzone, a retail shop that services the retail market. Mr P would have to be dealing with JHL (yes I know its still Steve) in order to apply for a license to purchase at wholesale prices. JHL is a totally separate business to Cardzone.
Thats the whole point Dave. He is abusing his market power as a wholesaler at JHL to protect his retail business Cardzone.

He has effectively locked out a compeditor because now Mr P cannot sell boxes in competition to him. Its all linked and it stinks.
Sorry Andy your post makes no sense, I am not sure what point you are trying to make.

Hay Dave, I have never met Mr Wang but only know of what I have read off this site.
What I meant to say was he is very expensive and has some poor buissiness skills which over time would hopefully learn and improve to reap his investment.
Usually in business the idea is to make the customer feel and think that you’re the best at what you do so they keep coming back and tell all their friends, all I see is negativity.
Largely started by one major whinner on this site. Lay the facts Owen. Talking big time but no facts. If i can buy a box cheaper up here at my Local card shop or ebay, how can you deduce "Abusing Market Power", " whole market cornered"," locked out a competitor". Seriously, for ages you have spread senseless garbage. If we are to hear Select/ JHL/Cardzone/Cardshowcase/8088edge have partied to sue you for about a dozen different reasons many on this site would not be surprised. I can only suggest they have googled your house and racking up the $$$$ as YOU provide their case. I'm all for free speech, your erronous tirade is dribble mate and sadly, as i made the point a week ago, the above occurs. You seem to be very active buying various Select cards, if anyone is trying to minipulate a market, i respond to no better a subject. Sharpen up buddy. Lay the facts.
Go read the the story Mr P told in this thread before you go on your little tirade at me. There are plenty of examples that have been given over the years in these threads.

Your constant personal little attacks on me as boring as hell. Build a bridge, grow up and stop being a sook.
Hay Owen, Are you working for ESP as a spy for the new contract of NRL cards? lay down the facts mate.

I tend to agree, all this anti-Cardzone anti-Wang carry on is boooorrring!!! I've never had a problem buying the boxes and cases I want ... so Wang is getting a big profit, good on him!
Thats the whole point Dave. He is abusing his market power as a wholesaler at JHL to protect his retail business Cardzone.

He has effectively locked out a compeditor because now Mr P cannot sell boxes in competition to him. Its all linked and it stinks.

Crape.......other authorised sellers have had to have the capacity to move a certain amount of product in order to buy from JHL at wholesale prices. I am not saying that is right or wrong its just the way it is, JHL is not the only distributor of a product that requires this.
Crape.......other authorised sellers have had to have the capacity to move a certain amount of product in order to buy from JHL at wholesale prices. I am not saying that is right or wrong its just the way it is, JHL is not the only distributor of a product that requires this.

It is not crap. I agree with most of what Owen wrote. I emailed JHL several times after speaking to Select. Rang JHL several times and then to be told I have to purchase $3500 worth of series 1 to access series 2 AFL is crap. Its bad business or smart for him but bad for the hobby.

If you were to come to me and want to purchase one box of game of thrones and I was to say no you have to purchase 4 or 5 of my blaster boxes what would you say? I'm only a small hobby stall trying to stock the AFL product my customers want. I couldn't turnover $1000 of series 1 let alone $3500. Because I didn't want series 1 he responds apply again next year.
Also other distributors don't enforce me to purchase $3500 worth of their lower end product before they will sell the higher end boxes. That is facts. Panini and other companies of such take business on because that is good business.
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