What would you do ???


@ A1, we love collecting as much as you do !
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Hi everyone and thanks for taking the time to help me out,

Something has been bugging me for a few days now and I have been given all kinds of advice on how I should deal with the issue.
Well this has not helped me to make a decision, which brings me here to get advice from you guys and gals and hopefully from some more experienced collectors on Ozcard.

After a little bit of research I have a brief story line to share,

During my recent trade day there were a number of relatively inexperienced collectors in attendance which is great but it requires a level of honesty from the more seasoned collectors when doing deals
One local guy (we will call T) recently picked up a Michael beasley collection which left a couple of guys with Beasleys to move.
A deal was nearly struck with T who was looking at purchasing a Beasley exquisite box collection base card and a non auto manufactured patch #d/25 for apparently around the $50 mark. At this stage T had to leave the shop to sell some fish (fish breeder). T always asks what the cards are worth before doing any deal :)
While he was out, the person selling the 2 beasleys asked me if I knew the value of them, I was not sure so we used the beckett as a guide. The exquisite booked for $15 (unlisted) and the manufactured patch I put in the 15/20 price range. I suggested that he adjusted his sale price to suit the value of the cards he was selling.
Being too busy I did not realize that the card seller had pounced on T when he arrived back at the shop (in the car park mind you) and sold the 2 cards previously discussed for $60 which is clearly around double the book value.
T soon afterward asked me about the value of the cards to which I told him what I had researched earlier ! He was pretty angry and commented that he would not deal with this person again.
T then asked the seller to show him the value of the 2 cards and after wasting time flicking through the book for quite some time, T said he could not wait around all day and left.

I am really shocked, disappointed and a bit angry that this even happened after the discussions I had with the seller.

So if you can all Let me know what you think and how you would deal with this it will be very helpful

Thanks in advance
If i read this correctly, T didn't do his homework (guessing in a rush) and should have looked up the value before buying the cards?
I think T should learn the value of cards before buying and not trust others when giving values.
thats a tough one mate not a whole lot you can do really i mean its not your job to get that guy his $60 worth but it was a low act on behalf of the seller who mayby you could refuse to sell or deal with again. i am not too sure how close use are but i would not like to deal with him after seeing that.

goodluck mate
He usually just asks the guys for BV and prices it from there but in this case, the fact that it was discussed with me and the value of $30/35 was established and they chased him for the deal.

---------- Post added 08-12-2011 at 07:18 PM ----------

So let's not trust anyone !?
mind you since when is beckett value accurate?

I would check eBay to see what others have been paying. If around beckett value then you know the guy got ripped of and well it happens to everyone. At the end of the day he was willing to pay that price before investigating. A hard lesson learnt.
mind you since when is beckett value accurate?

I would check eBay to see what others have been paying. If around beckett value then you know the guy got ripped of and well it happens to everyone. At the end of the day he was willing to pay that price before investigating. A hard lesson learnt.

this is a good answer but i think the sad thing about it is yeah T got stooged but the dis honesty of the other guy to chase down this guy in the car park knowing Terry would have said something if he waited in the shop and upped it by $10 is that right? just not a nice thing to do but you have to cop it and be a little more careful next time.

fool me once etc. hes learnt his lesson and wont deal with the seller again. and the seller will find himself without anyone to trade if he continues along these lines.
at the end of the day its the old 'how to value a card' dilemma. T did agree to pay the original amount, so at some point, regardless of BV he thought (subjectively) that it was worth it...
He only agreed to $50 because he was told the exquisite base card was worth something like $60/80 alone (from what I was told)
your retail so you don't get involved, very simple.

but because you were involved you should look after T, give him a nice bonus, best would be some packs to bust, maybe he'll get some sweet mojo, and hope he doesn't lose interest, he didn't have time yeah but he left because he didn't like the situation he found himself in, I bet he would of thought about throwing the cards out the window and forgetting it all that day.

then, you set better rules, if your letting this all go down in your shop then you need to set strict rules,
you protecting your customers that way and yourself.

maybe a 10% give or take beckett value, so if the card is hot it may be 10% higher, if not then 10% lower.
becketts only a guide though, usually a trade guide and not a sale guide.
to get real values you should be looking the cards up and see how much others are selling it for.
but it's best to not let trades between your customers go down in your shop, you will always be the bad guy if things don't work out, just shouldn't happen in retail.

as for the other guy.. woohoo! bet he's got a nice new toy and proud that he made a sweet sale.
just let that deal go, he will aventually work out that he probably didn't do the right thing.
but yeah, trades between customers in your shop with you involved, always gonna be trouble.
this is a good answer but i think the sad thing about it is yeah T got stooged but the dis honesty of the other guy to chase down this guy in the car park knowing Terry would have said something if he waited in the shop and upped it by $10 is that right? just not a nice thing to do but you have to cop it and be a little more careful next time.


I agree what he did was dishonest but at the end of the day all you can do is not trade wit the guy. Maybe put up a sign deals outside at your own risk.

I know that when I was growing up the cardshop I visited use to get pissed of with me because I would trade cards. The guy was mad because he wanted to buy them cheap and sell to me high as he knew I needed them for my fleer sets. Lucky here Terry s a nice honest bloke trying to solve a problem which he has little control over.
Unfornate but I think it's a case of such is life. I was told at about 16 if someone's going to avoid you over a small debt it's worth losing the money to learn what kind of Person they really are, I think some of the same principles apply
He only agreed to $50 because he was told the exquisite base card was worth something like $60/80 alone

Then T is a very silly man if he believed that. If he has a PC player he is collecting surely he has done eBay searches and looked around at prices. I mean how many players would command $60/80 for an Exquisite base?

Having said that the guy that sold them to him is a douche.
Yea im affraid that nothing can be done now. T bought the cards without knowing what they were worth. Still a dog act by the other bloke but the deals done.
fool me once etc. hes learnt his lesson and wont deal with the seller again. and the seller will find himself without anyone to trade if he continues along these lines.
at the end of the day its the old 'how to value a card' dilemma. T did agree to pay the original amount, so at some point, regardless of BV he thought (subjectively) that it was worth it...

yeah, but its like when you put your max bid in on e-bay. youre willing to pay that much, so by defintion thats what its worth to you...? or am i off the mark?
value or worth can be pretty relative.
not that i dont think it was kinda low what the other kid did...
I think he should be banned from your trade days!!

If he can't be trusted to be honest about values, how can you trust him with cards laying around??? And, at the end of the day, you are the one creating the opportunity for these trade days, and you dont want to be seen encouraging that sort of thing!

I know that he should have looked first, but it's not the Internet, so that should not have to be tolerated!!

If it was my shop Tez, I would tell him to make good in the difference in price by adding another card or be banned from the trade days!

Just my opinion ;)
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